Tears and Tinker Toys

I am that mom.  The mom who is SO proud of her child that her heart becomes SO full that the only way to keep it from bursting is to let the pressure out in the form of tears.  I am the mom, the only mom I saw, that cried at the class Christmas performance.

I watched my big, 5 year old son, the image of his daddy, confidently walk up to the microphone, dressed in his first unsmocked, unmonogrammed holiday outfit, clear his throat and say “Welcome to our holiday program.”  That’s it.  That totally unremarkable and unmemorable moment for the rest of the world made me so proud that I cried.  It also made me wonder where DID the last 5 years go?  How was I so blessed to have such a beautiful and healthy child?  And, how am I going to control myself during these moments so as to not totally mortify him over the next 55 years?

Now, let me wipe away round two of tears that my kids are growing too fast and share Scout’s treat for the day…  Our crafty little elf provides a treat for the boys each day and, knowing that I had to come up with a snack for the class party before the performance, he was awfully sweet to make Ernie Elf’s Tinker Toys for not just John and Whit, but for the whole class!


In each zip lock, add a hand full of cheese cubes, pretzel sticks and cheerios.  Print and cut out Gourmet Mom on the Go‘s easy and oh-so creative bag toppers.  Fold, double stick tape them on and ta-da… easy, adorable snacks that the kids LOVED!

Happy snacking, happy crafting and hugs and kisses to mommy’s PCP (precious cutie pie!!)

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