Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Do you ever have one of those fleeting moments that you just want to bottle up and keep forever?  This is how I found the baby when I checked on him the other night.

I mean, how incredibly precious is that??  He loves his crib to pieces and has an assortment of treasures that silently tell the story of my sweet three year old…

baseball pants with dirt on the knees
a beloved Scooby Doo shirt received in his stocking
a Curious George anthology, read so many times the cover is missing
tools, tools and more tools, a hard hat and a Bob the Builder “computer”
Mickey and Pluto
his baby blanket
and Lambie

Sleep in heavenly peace, sweet boy.

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9 thoughts on “Sleep in Heavenly Peace

  1. Awww!!! I love this! And I sooo know what you mean. All day you cant wait to get relax and get them in bed and when you go in and check on them your heart about leaps through your chest with love as they sleep so peacefully. So precious!

  2. So adorable. At times I wish ac was still in her crib! We have a lambie too that we cannot leave the house without!! So precious. It's so important to make yourself take a mental image of these moments so you can cherish them forever!

  3. That is so cute, my boys used to do the same. They have grown so fast though, gone are the days of Bob The Builder. Now it is ipods!! He is so cute.

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