Summer Days

Happy weekend, y’all!  I was so excited when Olga over at Stardust – Decor & Style invited me to guest post on my family room.  Hop on over there and check it out!! Now, we’re just three weeks in and our summer days are turning out to be everything we had hoped…full of doing just as we please with no hard fast plans.  We’ve crossed a few things off of our First Summer Vacation Ever bucket list and have added a few new ones as well. SummerBucketList copy2 As far as the aforementioned list goes, we’ve hit up the library, completed Vacation Bible School, started working on first grade math, read TWENTY books (!), chalked up loads of pool days, gone mini golfing with Daddy, used the zip line a gazillion times, played family games more nights than not, tended to our garden and already started to enjoy the fruits of our labor, built at least a hundred indoor forts, and had our evening baths on the slip n slide (you know, the whole kill two birds with one stone thing.).June 2012 289 photo (7) photo (6) June 2012 315 June 2012 316 June 2012 331Now for off the list activities, the littles concocted a game called “Undie Dodge Ball”…  (I suppose they were desperate for a valid reason to throw armfuls of underwear at each other.) June 2012 233  June 2012 235 We’ve played some good old fashioned back yard baseball… photo (19) Some of us have driven the (darned) rocket cart around the grocery store while dressed like a super hero… photo (20)And, we’ve had friends over to help dig in the front yard where the gigantic oak tree fell down this spring.  We’ve been using this free entertainment as a lingering excuse to not haul a truck load of pinestraw out here to fix it.  I mean, as embarrassing of an eye sore as it may be, this pile of dirt has logged hundreds of hours of fun. photo (21)I suppose this weekend will bring more of the same.  And I couldn’t be happier about that! xoxo

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5 thoughts on “Summer Days

  1. Love your novel way to work on the front yard! I am now expecting your little darlings to do plenty of yardwork on your visit week after next :-)

  2. Now that is a cute idea, the bucket list. My children and I sit down each morning at breakfast to discuss what we would like to do with the day. At that time I assign a few chores. We have had a wonderful summer vacation so far.

    Glad I blogged hopped onto your blog. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. looks like you guys are having fun! curious as to why little man has a tennis ball in his drink?!?!? :) LOL

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