I Swallowed a Mighty Bean

Just as we were wrapping up our day, the PCP out and says “Humph, I just swallowed a Mighty Bean.” 

SAY WHAT??????????????

So, in what was one of my most terrifying mommy-ing moments to date, we made sure he could breathe and swallow.  I  moved my hand all the way down his airway a centimeter at a time in a “can you feel it here” exercise, to no avail.  He kept saying I think it’s in my tummy.  After conversing with a nurse and our doctor, measuring twice and painstakingly describing the darned thing, it was with equal parts worry and irritation that we set off (in the midst of a monsoon might I add) to the Scottish Rite Emergency Room.
<c:out value="Mighty Beanz, Coach" escapeXml="false" />
After a handful of x-rays and a consultation with a GI doc, they decided to let it pass.  Literally.  And you’d think he might have learned a lesson about swallowing toys, but nah, he thought it was all pretty grand. 
photo (29)I’ve got my little potty seat prepped with a plastic baggie and can hardly wait to start sifting through his poo.  This is definitely going to be one of those “the things I do for my children” experiences.

With that, I’m going to go to bed incredibly thankful that this didn’t turn out much worse (I can hardly let my mind go there) aaaaaaand with fingers crossed that he can postpone a bowel movement until Honey gets home from work tomorrow. (Similarly, I can hardly let my mind go there either.  TMI?)

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12 thoughts on “I Swallowed a Mighty Bean

  1. Oh no!! I have the biggest fear of choking so I know I would have been a wreck! I am sure he will remember the ordeal for some time and hopefully won't attempt it again. One of my earliest memories (I was probably 2 or 3), was when I opened up a bean bag and shoved the beans up my nose. I remember everyone holding me down while they took them out with tweazers! Ahhh…memories…Good luck with the poop sifting!

  2. What is a mighty bean?? I guess i am out of the loop on that one. As an old nurse, I can tell you that many children swallow things and moms have the honor of making sure it all comes out in the end.(Sorry….medical humor which is not humorous to you at all right now.) Good Luck!!

  3. Oh my gosh..I can remember that sick all the way to your toes feeling , that only kids can give you. Hope everything is okay. Susie

  4. Oh my goodness! The not- so-funy-thing is that the packaging is covered with warnings of them being a choking hazard. Lucky he got it down.
    Hope everything comes out ok….pun intended!

  5. I barely survived raising three children, two of which were boys that had far more energy than I did. All I can say in some form of comfort…I have earned every grey hair on my head.

  6. Wow, I remember those days!! LOL When my son was in second grade, his teacher came to my classroom to let me know he had swallowed one of those cute little erasers you put on pencils! He had the same attitude as your son. No big deal! Oh, the memories!! Good luck.

  7. OMG..I NEVER leave a post..But I laughed out loud because my son swallowed a quarter at 5! and we had to have a "poop" stick as we called it..TMI?? but I hope everything comes out okay..no pun intended… your kids are adorable. I have two sons myself and I am a girly girl..yet can't imagine being a parent to girls. My boys are now 22-24..and FUN.. but I digress..Good luck!

  8. Oh my,I have 2 grown sons,and my youngest,who is now 19,swallowed some very bizarre things in his young life.Isn't it a miracle,they all live through childhood?? I am so glad your son is alright.They sure keep us on our toes!!

  9. I'm hoping by now everything has been resolved and this can go into family history as a funny story. However…I can't help but take this as an opportunity to encourage all the parents out there: take a CPR class in your community! It's an investment in the safety of your children–so very important to know! All best wishes, Eileen

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