Beach Buckets

Remember this cute little “Have a ball this summer!” treats we put together a few weeks back??
May 2012 018 Well, the PCP had his beach day just before the end of school and his goodies were too cute not to share.  They wore their bathing suits to school and had a “ball” playing with squirt bottles and sprinklers!  He was beyond excited to come home with this…
May 2012 665 Inside were treats from his classmates, as well as the following things from his teachers.  So darling!

A ruler to remind you that there are always rules to follow.
A Hershey’s Kiss to remind you that you are loved.
A pencil to remind you that there are still many things to learn.
A marker to remind you to leave a good mark wherever you go.
A penny to remind you to use good sense.
An eraser to remind you that it’s all right to make mistakes.

May 2012 666
And since summer has commenced around these parts, I’m going to enjoy the quiet for a few more minutes before the littles have to get ready for bed!

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3 thoughts on “Beach Buckets

  1. That is always such an exciting day for kids, isn't it? I love the little "treat" the kids got…and what fun to wear your bathing suit to school! xo Diana

  2. What a fun beach bucket! I also like the balls you passed out to his friends. My daughter passed out otter pops with a cute saying to her friends.

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