The Evening After

There’s not much I love more than Honey coming home from work and taking the dinner reins.  It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it’s a real treat.  Last night he made the most divine has browns with the leftover potatoes, sausage and onions from our low country boil and a little cheese. 

He turned this… (For those wondering, Daddy-O included, the shrimp went in the pot last and are were hiding at the bottom of the pile after dumping. *any other dorks out there think LIFO in these situations???*)

July 2013 036

…into this!

photo 1 (5)

I seriously might have liked it better the evening after.  And breakfast for supper is always a fave around these parts.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t wish Sister a HAPPY 35TH BIRTHDAY today!!  We’ll be celebrating over lunch tomorrow!!

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9 thoughts on “The Evening After

  1. LOL – I always appreciate accounting humor! Do you also shop for milk using the LIFO method? I'm the crazy lady standing up on the ledge to reach the last one back in the shelf! And then I re-merchandise everything neatly…It's a sickness from years of working in CPG!

    And please thank your husband for the tip on using up all the leftovers from a shrimp boil. I never quite know what to do with those once all the shrimp has been depleted!

  2. Did you work in Accounting before? I'm an auditor (by day) and I was working on a blog post last night and included a "double inquiry" in there with the hashtag #auditorjokes. Haven't posted it yet though.

  3. What a great idea for the leftovers. We do LCB several times a year and I always have leftover potatoes and corn, and always wonder what to do with it. I never thought about a hashbrown dish.

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