Happy Fourth!

Tybee was abuzz with activity for the Fourth!  Uncle J took all the kids to the Breakfast Club bright and early…

Honey and John went fishing while the rest of the crew hit the beach…

Mother and Daddy-O joined us late afternoon for a divine take-away meal from Paula Deen’s Creek House.  We had ribs, mac and cheese and Mother’s hot tomato grits.  I’ll share the recipe for those soon!

Sister has Some Beach looking amazing, as usual.  I LOVE her pots!

At dusk we walked down to the beach for fireworks.  Sadly, Honey and Elsa had to head back to Atlanta so he missed out on the family photo.

This was the first time I’ve seen these fireworks since I was in college!

I hope that all of you had a safe and happy holiday.  All of my thanks goes out to the brave men and women that protect our freedoms.  God bless America!


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3 thoughts on “Happy Fourth!

  1. I have so many happy memories of summers at Tybee with my children and the 4th of July fireworks! We always enjoyed the North Beach as it was close to my sis in law’s beach house. It has been two years since we were in Savannah. We miss it but now that the parents are no longer there and only one sibling lives there, it is harder to get down there. Cherish the moment! is so true, things change and we have to adapt.

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