Today is kind of a same song second verse day. It started with all the guys sleeping in and me enjoying a latte in a quiet spot at the Hard Rock.

The seniors started their day at the pool, while Honey, Whit and I hit Universal Studios around lunch time. They humored me by exploring the darling Seuss Landing. It really is the cutest!

And then it was back to all things Potter. Hogsmeade is in this park, so we enjoyed the attractions and shops for a while.

We did lunch at Three Broomsticks which was entirely unremarkable. The decor is excellent and the shady table to enjoy a Butterbeer away from the crowds is nice.

Our next stop was Jurassic World where we screamed our heads off on Velocicoaster and got drenched on River Adventure. Both are excellent attractions!

We rode the Hogwarts Express to Diagon Ally where we did a little more exploring and Escape from Gringotts.

After repeats on Men in Black and ET, I picked up the cutest Minion pop from the new Freeze Ray Pops.

After that, it was straight to Hard Rock for ice cream and pool time. We passed the seniors heading in to the park on our way out!

Later, we all met up at Cowfish for a delicious dinner. Again, this one is a must-eat for us! Our favorite rolls are Mark’s and the Cheeseburgershi. YUMMMMMY!

The seniors went back for more rides – they had yet to do Hagrid’s – and we picked up VooDoo for breakfast tomorrow!

Let’s Travel & My Services
As a Premier Level Advisor with Glass Slipper Concierge, I am recognized for providing the highest level of customer service, experience, and knowledge in the industry. I use my personal connections and firsthand expertise to craft EPIC Universal vacations for the most discerning clients. On top of that, theme park vacations are expensive and I know how to get the best value for your time and money. I often hear that Universal is “so easy” that you don’t need a travel agent. That may be true, but my services for Universal are completely FREE to you and your trip will not cost any more than if you booked it on your own. You will get a detailed touring plan, tips, tricks, restaurant reservations and more, all based on my personal and frequent visits to Universal Orlando. On top of that, you’re supporting my small business. It’s a WIN-WIN!!

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