A Beautiful Day

After the great snowacane and ice storm that left us locked inside for a week, we ended the month with a glorious weekend full of sunshine and nearly seventy degree weather. It was so beautiful, in fact, that from the time we got home from mass at noon to the time we hit the hay we enjoyed the great outdoors!

Honey cleaned out and filled up the sandbox, the littles slid and swung on the playset, Cookie started learning to ride John’s hand-me-down trike, we fought trees with swords and John dazzled us with numerous scooter tricks.

And, to round out the glorious January weekend, we spent the evening with our neighbors playing ball,  zipping down the zip line and dining alfresco.

Now it’s a quarter to eight and the littles are snug in their beds, exhausted from a beautiful day.  Sweet dreams baby boys…
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