Krispy Screams

The Halloween Witch has really outdone herself this week (if I do say so myself).  The littles awoke to a scrumptious little breakfast of “Krispy Scream” pumpkin and spider web donuts. 
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I had the friendly guy at the KK (I say friendly because while he dazzled my with stories of how he’s going to surprise his girlfriend with not just a Christmas Day engagement but an entire Christmas Day wedding, he smartly handed the baby at least a dozen donut holes to keep him quiet and occupied) package them in their small favor boxes.  Note that the baby is still little enough to go with me to the Krispy Kreme one afternoon and still be completely surprised to see them on the table the next morning :-)
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The real scream was the HOT glazed donut I gobbled up right there in the store.

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5 thoughts on “Krispy Screams

  1. Heehee! Live that the baby is still surprised! Classic! Once again, I will most likely be copying your idea. What on earth did I ever do before I found your blog?!?

  2. Only one hot donut!! You should win a prize for self discipline. When I was in nursing school, we regularly visited the old one on Ponce De Leon. I am glad that there is only one in Huntsville and too far away for me to visit regularly!!

  3. I've been fighting the urge to stop by KK…and now I HAVE to go…not that I really need an excuse. LOL Gosh, I wish I had one right now with my coffee.
    Look at your two little cuties standing there patiently waiting for their KKs. Happy Halloween!

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