Each year a gaggle of my best college gals and I reunite for a weekend of shopping, wining and dining. We’ve done NYC (a couple of times), Chicago, Savannah, the mountains (many times) and the beach and, sadly, as our littles get older it doesn’t get any easier to get away. So, when we were checking our schedules and realized that Madonna would be making an appearance in the ATL the very same weekend of Breaking Dawn Part 2’s premiere, it pretty much sealed the deal on an Atlanta staycation. The girls picked me up with the horn blaring Friday afternoon and we hustled into midtown to make our three o’clock check-in at the W. After catching up over champagne and cheddar ruffles (fancy, no?), we caught a cab to Miller Union for a delightful supper.
We could only afford to sleep in a bit on Saturday morning before jetting off to Phipps for Breaking Dawn Part 2. (Once you’ve seen a flick in their ridiculously fabulous reclining seats it’s really hard to go anywhere else.) We adore the series and all agreed that it was one of the best. (Except for bestie C who couldn’t really care less about the vampires…hence her texting in the background.)
We shopped around Phipps for a while before heading over to Lenox. I was beyond excited to finally hit the C. Wonder store and it was every bit as fabulous as expected! Lilly lovers should rejoice in the fun colors and lower price point.
Supper Saturday night was at Watershed. It’s been on my list for eons and I was thrilled to finally give it a whirl. The first bites of our food were quite delish and we were having the very best time until a fire broke out on the 6th floor. They didn’t evacuate us, rather they tormented their patrons with a blaring alarm and strobe light for the entirety of our meal. Honestly, it was one of the worst dining experiences I’ve ever had. Nobody even offered an apology until we paid for our meals and then complained about the nuisance. After which the manager reluctantly brought us complimentary dessert.
We rounded out our evening at MADONNA! She worked it like I’ve never seen on that stage and looked ah-mazing for fifty-three. I’m SO glad to have finally seen her in person.
Hailing a cab in Atlanta is no joke, y’all. Every.single.time we wanted one was a production. Case in point: at one in the morning – clad in heels and skinny jeans and sequins – we were having to heave our thirty-something-year-old-mommy-to-two-or-three-kids selves over a fence to catch what was seemingly the only vacant cab in the city last night. It was quite hysterical…
After sleeping in and breakfast at Starbucks, we headed back to the four dads and nine kids that all successfully survived without us for the weekend :-) I’m already looking forward to next year!
8 thoughts on “Atlanta Girls “Trip””
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Looks like a fun weekend–I would love to know who made your Peacock dress! It looks like it could have been any of the of brands I love but I don't recognize it. Please advise!!!
Joss & Main today… made me think of you. I know you don't want to go overboard w/ the ocean..but I still thought it was fabulous.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Watershed is on my list too! How unfortunate about the alarm thing. One would think the manager might be a little more gracious about doing a little something to ease the pain. I'm going there one day. I love a weekend in the city. Its been a while, so I need to gather some girlfriends and go. ATL is just right down the road from me. I love Madonna, always have, and I'm sure you and the girls had a great time!
That last photo is hilarious!! I was just at the C wonder store last weekend. It is so pretty. I did not know that Watershed had reopened…knew they had closed the other one. Glad to know it is there – and hopefully no fire next time. Have you all tried Parrish? Their little beet salad is to die for! Looks like a fun trip.
Just found your blog and so excited I did! I'm an Alpharetta mommy of one-in a week and half to-be mommy of two boys! Love reading about your home and fun Atl and southern boy outings! C. Wonder is great, I discovered it in Nantucket!
Thanks girls! The dress is from Lilly about 3 years ago :-), I'm adding Parrish to my must-eats ( love beets!) and I'm headed to joss and main now ( thanks honeybee…you send me the best things!)!!
Parrish and the market downstairs are both musts! The Sunday brunch as is dinner are both wonderful!
Looks like a fun weekend! How exciting to see Madonna! She was in New York recently but it was the first week of school and I couldn't justify being away then. Love that last picture!