Come Monday

So, it seems that Google Reader is going away come Monday.  (Tell me you’re not singing “Come Monday it’ll be alright…”)  MONDAY!?  Where on earth have I been??  We’re talking four days gals.  While I’m not entirely sure what that means for my little blog here, I do believe that if you use Reader to follow me (and any other blogs), you will need to find a new way to keep up starting July 1.

That being said, I signed up to follow my favorite blogs on Bloglovin’ and with approximately thirty minutes under my Bloglovin’ belt all is right in my world.  After you set up your account, it allows you to import the entire list of your favorite blogs with the click of a button.  I was up and running in no time flat.

Now, back to the topic at hand, I’ve got a myriad of ways for y’all to keep in touch with me.  They’re all listed on my sidebar, but just to keep things simple I’ve listed them here:

And on my sidebar you can sign up for:
Google Friend Connect (GFC) |  RSS feed  |  e-mail 
Wow, that’s pretty much more of me than anyone other than Honey can stand :-)
Sometime, somehow over the last two and a half years, this blog grew from a readership of four (thanks Mother, Sister and besties E and N for always having my back) to 1,325.  It’s shocking and flattering and mind boggling and something I am completely grateful for and often overwhelmed by.  I read each and every one of your comments and emails and try my darndest to reply to them all (if I don’t, know that I have a boat load of Anonymous comments in my spam folder and quite a few emails hiding there too – I just can’t find the time to sort through them).  THANK YOU for your outpouring of love and support.  Truly.  Thank you!
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2 thoughts on “Come Monday

  1. Just saw Jimmy Buffet sing this song last night in Indy! Love your blog Amanda! I discovered it after our basement flooded TWICE this spring. I was googling various BM paint colors and your dining room came up. I chose Beach Glass for our basement and love it!! We moved to Fort Wayne, IN five years ago from Atlanta and really miss the South. We have family in Augusta and Hilton Head so we visit a few times a year. Your blog is helping me fill in my Southern gaps!

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