We’ve spent every.single.night for the last week playing a Halloween Truth or Dare that I made up!! In an effort to make it *ever so slightly* educational, the player must roll 3 dice and total them up. Even numbers get a truth and odd numbers get a dare.
It’s been worth a lot a laughs and giggles around the supper table, and John’s class will be playing it at the Halloween Party later in the week!
You can find the instant download in my etsy store!! All ages can play and laughs are pretty much guaranteed. (The glass is a fantastic example of what comes home when Honey goes on an errand to Target.)
Now, I know this is super last minute and I totally dawdled on this, but you can also now find the Disney Not So Scary Halloween supper printables in my etsy store as well.
We’re off on errand day – you know it’s time to hit the grocery when you have to eat left over baked beans for breakfast. And a huge thank you goes out to Terry for suggesting my missing wallpaper might be with my wrapping paper – that’s exactly where it was!!!!
Your game idea sounds wonderful. What a fun Mom you are!
Sounds like a fun game and I bet the classroom kids will have fun playing it. Totally adorable printables. xo Diana
New fan.. I love your blog.. LOVE it all sister. HUGS and blessings your way . Sherry @ The Rusty Pearl
Glad you found it! :)
Glad you found it! :)
What a great game idea! I'm sure my grandkids would loce this.
Lori in Atlanta