The Good and The Bad

First things first, let’s start with the good.  Y’all have really kept Mother busy churning out the bracelets this week.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!  I hope you love them as much as we do.  Now, as promised I want to announce the winner of the Tidal Tassel bracelet giveaway- congratulations to Denise Pettus!!!  Send me a quick email with your choice of two colors of tassels, the size of your bracelet and your mailing address.

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Moving right along to the bad…  one of my littles has been struggling against great adversity in school.  It’s been all consuming since the very first day.  Honey and I are navigating unchartered waters, and conversations around what we should do, or not do, have dictated most every waking moment.  I’m not ready to go into it all yet, and very well may never be.  But I want to thank each and every one of our “in real life” friends and family that have let us bend their ears, cry our tears and offered support, encouragement and advise.  I mention this tonight because I haven’t been myself in real life, much less on the blog the past few weeks.  I haven’t done the projects on my list, and I haven’t followed through on some of the little treats I usually plan for the littles.  I haven’t had time to be a friend to my friends or a family member to the family that lives outside of our four walls.  Some of this is due to my mobility, but most of it just because I don’t have a second in my day when my heart isn’t racing, my mind isn’t running and my stomach isn’t churning.  I’ve been a mommy 24/7 and truly haven’t had a spare second for anything else.  I know that there are many, many others out there with much more dire circumstances so this almost seems selfish to ask… if you have moment for a positive thought or a quick prayer, send it our way.  My child is hurting and it is the most critical thing in my world right now.

Your love over my years of blogging has been incredible, and even unfathomable at times.  I hardly feel worthy of such devoted friends from afar.  Know that it truly means the world to me!  And, should you ever find yourself in need of a friend, an ear, a positive thought or a prayer, please do not think twice about asking.

Much love, my friends…


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87 thoughts on “The Good and The Bad

  1. So sorry to hear about problems at school. My kids are in K and 1st and I worry about them all day every day. Hope your issues get resolved sooner rather than later. School can be so wonderful, except when it's not, and then it's awful.

  2. I will be praying for you and your son. There is nothing worse than watching your child go through a difficult time. May God guide you and your son.

  3. Oh my goodness! You brighten my world on a daily basis with your sweet, fun, creative, beautiful blog! Please don't apologize for having a real life with ups and downs. Know that all of us out here are sending positive, wonderful thoughts and prayers your way!

  4. So sorry to hear about your little guy. Sending prayers. A mama's heart is with her baby and that's right where I know yours always is. Allow yourself some grace to not be everything or do everything for everyone right now. Just take good care of your boy.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that one of your children is hurting. Just know that you are the person who knows and loves him the most in this world, and whatever decision you make will be the RIGHT one. Never apologize for advocating on behalf of your children. Never. I second guess myself as a parent all the time. And I always will. But I try to keep these words I received when I gave birth to my daughter close to my heart. "Having a daughter is knowing that no matter what you did or didn't do, you gave the world something beautiful." I know you have boys but I think this applies to all mothers! Your sons are beautiful people and have two amazing parents to love them through all the hurt. Sending you and your precious little thoughts of peace and grace!

  6. I am thinking and praying for you and your little one. My children are grown and now I have grandchildren but any hurt to them is a hurt to me. Love him lots and be there for him!

  7. Amanda, have been a fan for years since my bestie J forwarded your link. I have never commented, but had to let you know I am praying for peace in this situation. Sent my one and only off to kinder this year…it's been a big pill to swallow for both of us! Praying that your sweet son's innocence stays in tact as he faces this adversity. Look for the blessing, if at all possible. Brighter days are ahead!!

  8. Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Never apologize for taking care of your little ones. You are so good at doing just that. Don't ever second guess yourself. You know them best and what they need. Here's hoping whatever he is facing & deing with comes to a positive end soon. xoxo

  9. Sorry to hear of this. Sometimes it takes time for children to get adjusted to school or to a new grade. Don't give up and be patient!

  10. Oh- I am so so so very sorry! Tomorrow when I am not dead tired I should write to you about what happened with our youngest son as he entered 3rd grade and what we did about it. (if you think it might help) It is heartbreaking when you don't know exactly what to do about a situation…when you feel damned if you do and even more damned when you don't.

    My heart aches with and for you- It is an awful feeling. xo Diana

  11. I am so sorry to hear about your little one's struggles. As a parent that has dealt with health and educational problems, I am amazed that you have even had the strength and where with all to even post a single piece. Just know that your boys will remember your love and not even know about any treats you did not get to make, let go of that guilt and enjoy the time you spend with them. I will be praying for you and your family.

  12. Amanda,

    Here's a prayer I hope will help you find peace for this difficult situation. You hold tight to your sweet family and take care of what's most important. Praying for you all…. Betsy

    A Prayer to Heal Stress

    Heavenly Father, please grant me peace of mind and calm my troubled heart. My soul is like a turbulent sea. I can't seem to find my balance so I stumble and worry constantly. Give me the strength and clarity of mind to find my purpose and walk the path you've laid out for me. I trust your Love God, and know that you will heal this stress. Just as the sun rises each day against the dark of night. Please bring me clarity with the light of God.

    In your name I pray, Amen.

  13. I am sorry to hear this. Nothing will hurt you more than to see your child go through a hard time. It is often hard to know whether you should pull back or help them solve the problem. However, you know your boy better than anyone so I will say to trust your instincts. There will be more times like these as they get older.
    Good luck and maybe if we knew more we could help more.
    DiAnne in NC

  14. Whatever challenges your child faces, you and your husband will be able to help him through them. I can't think of two more capable and faith-filled people and he is fortunate to have been sent to your family so that you can help him through. It may not be easy, but you all have it in you. God speed.

  15. I will pray for you. I was a public school teacher for ten years and have worked in a Christian school for 25 years that all three of my daughters attended. I don't know what the problem is but sometimes a switch to another school makes all the difference. My children thrived in a Christian private school with a loving atmosphere, small class size, and more individual attention. Also bullying, name calling etc. is not tolerated!

  16. Hoping that knowing people are thinking about you helps. As Moms we would do anything for our children to be happy and when they are not it rips our heart to pieces. I hope you find strength in those around you and feel the embrace of all those who care. Praying for your little boy to find his happiness again

  17. Amanda-
    You should never apologize for being you-a wonderful mother. I have been there with a child who had been in a difficult situation. Do you say something or not. Will that make it worse or better. You are your child's only advocater so do what you think is best for your child. My prayer to you and your family is that you all find peace and with your love and guidance everything will work out.

  18. I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet little one's adversity…isn't it terrible they have to experience such pain at such an early age?

    my daughter experienced a situation at the twin's school a few weeks ago, that was more about another child then hers but still it was heartbreaking and involved the actions of a teacher and some "special" students!

    prayers for you and your precious family….i'm sure you all will find the right answer and direction to go…please don't worry about us not being here for you, take care of that precious boy.

  19. Amanda, I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers. Nothing is small when it comes to your kids. I really feel you right now. I have something that my "mom gut" is telling me is not right and it's terrifying. Your kids are blessed to have you in their corner and I have no doubt will get through it. I so wish I could give you a hug right now.

  20. I know how you are feeling. When our kids hurt we hurt. There were times when my son was in grade school that he felt left out, and didn't know where he fit in and it broke my heart. He found his way though.

    This too shall pass.

    Sending good thoughts your way :-)

  21. Amanda, you are a wonderful mother. I have been following your blog from the very beginning and have seen your heart for your little boys. I don't know why our little children have to go through these trials, but I do know they are usually worse for the mamas.

    Take your concerns to the Lord and he will direct you and your husband to the right path for your little guy. I am confident that it will all work out in the end.

    I will pray for you and your family.

  22. Consider it done! So very sorry your family is having to face this. My family suffered great tragedy that lasted a little over three years, I know that feeling you are feeling. When my nerves could take no more and my anxiety was off the scale, I asked The Lord to please carry it FOR me and it really did help!!! Praying your precious Little's issue is resolved quickly! He couldn't have better parents behind him :)

  23. I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles. As a teacher–and Mama!–it's hard to see our children hurting. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way and hopes that each day brings everyone closer to the solution that is needed. Hugs!!
    Julia from SC

  24. I am praying for you. We went through this last year with one of my daughters-a very troubling situation at school changed the course of her high school years and it was nothing she had done to cause it. My heart was broken and I was overwhelmed for months with grieving for her. God brought me through it and now my daughter and my family stand stronger on the other side. Don't give up and believe that God will walk you through.

  25. Amanda,
    I am a neighbor from your old neighborhood and lost a son at GT when you were there. Have so enjoyed watching you grow as a parent on this blog.

    My only advice for you is remember you are the only advocate for your child at school and all social settings.
    Make the hard changes if needed. You know what he needs to grow and learn.

    Don't give up until you get the answers you need to make the right decisions. If the school won't help move on !

    Good Luck.


  26. Amanda-

    The warmest of hugs and the deepest of prayers are comin your way. I know that the suffering of your child is the greatest pain a mother can endure. It will get better my dear friend!!!


  27. Sorry to hear that one of the boys is having a tough time. We know how much you adore them, and it's just so tough to see them struggle. Prayers and hugs toyou.

  28. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! I hope an answer will come to you! It is awful when one of your children are hurting and you can't make it better right away! Keep strong!

  29. Sending prayers for peace and comfort. I am so sorry your child is facing a mountain, but you and Honey are his best guides in life to climb that mountain. He is so blessed to have you there for him.

  30. There is just NOTHING worse in the world than when your child is hurting! I will be praying, Amanda….. My "littles" are 19 and 16, and I still ache for them whenever they encounter difficulty. It is an all-consuming worry for us mamas. But I have learned that the passage of time heals most things. :)

  31. Hi Amanda, I will pray along with you for your little guy. When our daughter was having a rough go in 1st grade a kindly retired teacher I was consulting with said, "Well, she will learn coping skills." Somehow that made me breath a little easier. Now, she is a teacher who thanks God for those skills :) It will get better!

  32. Amanda,
    First of all, my heart goes out to you! You are such an awesome mother. Having read your blog daily for two! years, I have seen your devotion to your family. So I can only imagine how you must feel when one of them is struggling.
    Second, if you need to take a break from the blog, I officially give you permission! Hah! Your loyal readers will understand. Even a week might be worth it. You seem like you like to stay busy, so I doubt you would leave it for long! :0)
    Lots of love to ya, and we'll keep those sweet boys in our prayers!

  33. Dear Amanda
    As many others I read your blog very often and during stressful times your blog has been my happy place.
    I am so sorry that your family is going through this (as it always affects you all) but as many have said you will know what to do best for your angel – so just follow through what you and the family feels is best.
    School can be a wonderful place for some and hell for others. We put our daughter through a very expensive private education in London till she was 18, i should have seen the signs of her unhappiness but with a husband in heart failure and subsequent transplant I didn't.
    She has just spent 2 years at the local college and although I cried the first 3 nights she attended it it was the best thing that happened to her and she is headed of to university on the 20th with top marks and a much stronger person.
    Praying for you from London.

  34. Hugs to you!! It is hard to know what to do with a situation with our kids. You want to be involved, but not too involved. It is hard to balance that line. It is super hard seeing our kids go through hard situations. Maybe even worse than us going through it ourselves when we were kids. I pray that you will know how to handle the situation and be strong for your little boy. I pray that he stays strong through it and deals with it the best way he knows how. Most of all, I pray that the situation resolves itself and gets taken care of properly. Hugs to you! Being a mom can be hard.

  35. Hi Amanda,
    I usually do not make comments on blogs that often, but wanted you to know we all have been there. Firstly, my thoughts are with you navigating these "unchartered" waters that many of us face with our littles at sometime in their lives. There is no parent manual when we leave the hospital is there;) and sometimes the pragmatic solution isn't always the best when dealing with feelings and emotions, so it is so hard knowing what to do. I don't know your situation, but know that whatever you do, your little will feel loved and supported. Last year my 6th grader had an AWFUL transition to middle school and would cry and refuse to get out of the car and just couldn't cope. I would wait for the phone to ring from the school, was anxious ALL THE TIME and could barely cope myself. The good news is that with maturity he has blossomed and now is a different child; so engaged and happy to go to school. All this to say I know it is heart-wrenching and feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but in time "this too shall pass". I know that doesn't help right NOW in the midst of adversity, but you will walk through this. Giving strength to you and your husband.
    All the best xoxo

  36. Sending prayers your way. I must echo an earlier comment…you are your child's only advocate. Don't be afraid to make waves in seeking a solution. If your child is hurting, don't wait to see if they grow out of it, or whatever. If it's a school issue and you are not getting the help you need, keep moving up the chain of command. Don't let someone else make light of what is troubling your child. Get outside help if needed. I only say all this because both of my kids had issues all through school and now looking back I see I did not advocate for them strongly enough because I was too afraid to rock the boat. Best of luck! Hugs and prayers!

  37. I am saying prayers for you and your family. As a mom I know that any issues with your children can be completely consuming so please do not apologize for anything! We are all here to support each other in good times and in bad. I know you will make the best decisions for your situation. You have such a strong support system between family, friends and internet friends. Your children are so lucky to have such close bonds with your immediate family as well as your extended family. It is obvious there is so much love there and that is what will really help you get through this difficult time. Please know that I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way. Take care dear! xxoo Shelley

  38. I'm sorry! Follow your heart. You are the mom. And that intuition as a mom really does matter in times like this. I just had something come up and I kind of gloated to hubby that "see I told you three years ago!!!!" It's so hard to see our children struggle or hurt. Prayers!!!!!

  39. So sorry to hear one of the "littles' is having a difficult time. There is a saying "You're only as happy as your saddest child" and it is the truth. I am sending prayers, and hugs and wishes that things get better soon for him and your entire family. <3

  40. I think you're an incredible mommy… so I'm sure you and Honey will figure out the best way to handle this situation.

    Hugs and prayers to you and your littles.

  41. Praying for you and all of your family! You seem like a wonderful mother! Your children are fortunate that God is able to show you the discernment of when to petition prayers. Don't forget God always has His hand on things :) Hoping for a wonderful day for you! I love your blog! I never miss a day!

  42. You are an amazing mom! I will remember you and your family in our prayers. With 4 older children, I know from experience that you are the best advocate for your son.

    Best, Megan

  43. Sending Prayers your way. While I don't know your circumstances look deep in your heart and you will know what to do. We took our DS Tyler who is 10 out of Public School and this is my 1st year battling with Homeschool. Some days are FUN FUN and others are HOLY TERRORS.. We are on vacation right now and its been rough but were still schooling. I wish you best of luck as you go through this time.

  44. Praying for your sweet boy! And also for you. I hate to hear about any child hurting at school it's such a big part of their lives, and it while it won't always be perfect it should always feel like a safe happy place.

  45. Oh My! It has been a while since I checked in because I too have a child who needs me a lot right now, but I am definitely thinking of your little one. I'll pray for peace, wisdom and your minds to be put at ease. We emailed once or twice about our late term pregnancy losses, and I know you have a beautiful home, but more importantly you have a lovely heart. So please know I am here if you need an objective opinion. I am an Early Childhood Specialist who has taught in many school in many places. My email is hollybahamas at gmail dot com. In the last two years I have learned some really hard lessons about standing up for my son and also being accepting him for what he is. Hang in there!

  46. I could echo everything you just posted! There is no stress like the emotional stress of parenting sometimes… it can truly be crippling! Wishing you and your family a peaceful weekend where you can regroup, love on one another, and be ready to tackle next week together! Sometimes a few moments of stress- free time can do wonders!

    Erin H, Rome, GA

  47. Missed your blog yesterday for some reason…no wonder I felt a little off! Praying for your sweet family….God is the Healer of all things…

  48. I don't usually comment on blogs but my heart just hurt for you as soon as I read your post just now. I am praying for God to give you peace during such a difficult time. Everything else fades away when your child is hurting. I pray that whatever the situation is, your son will be protected and become stronger because of it.

    "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For The Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

    My 6 year old twins just learned this verse to help them at school when they are sad or afraid. It brings me such comfort too knowing God is always there. I hope you'll find the solution you need quickly.

  49. Oh Amanda, I am so sorry. I know I'm a day late reading this but know how loved you are and how loved your littles are. Although I don't really know you, I feel like you and your family are a part of my family. I pray for your sweet little and for you and "Honey" to find peace in what ever resolution you decide on. Please know how much I look up to you as a fellow mother and how much I enjoy reading your blog daily. But know that we all understand how you are feeling right now and we all understand that family comes before blogging, so don't hesitate to take a break and focus on your sweet little. Sending prayers your way.

  50. I just read your post. There's nothing that tears at our hearts more than knowing a loved child is unhappy and suffering. I'm saying a little prayer for you and your family.Katby

  51. I've loved your blog since I found it about a year and a half ago and look at it daily because the content is so great! One thing I do know about you from being a faithful follower this last year and 1/2 is that you LOVE your kiddos! Mine are one step ahead of yours in school and I know the pain you feel when things aren't going right at school, socially, the teacher etc… Know that you are a wise woman and that no matter how you decided to handle this situation your sweet little is going through, God is in the midst of His faithful and He hears your prayers. He loves your little even more than you do (if that seems possible) and He will help turn this around. In the meantime, I will also be praying for you all. I know it can be heart wrenching. Give yourself some grace and seek some wise council. Blessings, D

  52. Amanda, you are on my heart and mind. There is nothing more heartbreaking to see your own child struggle in anything, especially in school. I will be praying for you and your family asking that He will guide you with the best direction and that your mind and heart is at peace. The Lord gives wisdom to His beloved children. I know that you will do the best you can and that you will gain strength from heaven. Hugs to you sweet lady!

  53. Sweet Amanda-so sorry to hear that one of your cuties is struggling. Please know that your family is in my thoughts and prayers. John and Whit won the lottery when it comes to having an amazing mom. They are lucky to have you in their corner:-). Big hugs to all of you as you work through this difficult situation.

  54. Amanda, I am so sorry to hear of your son's troubles. You know, three years ago my daughter was being bullied and would cry the moment she got home. It was an awful time, and the Mama Bear in me came out, wanting to call the bully's parents ( my daughter begged me not to )to even considering switching schools. Thankfully, my husband had a cooler head, and recommended letting the situation works itself out first. The next school year, the bully became a good friend to my daughter. Turns out she had been going through problems at home. Just continue to listen to your child, and we will be praying that your situation improves.

  55. Amanda, what is important about your sharing is that we have all been there or are experiencing similar things with our kids (I'm experiencing different struggles at different stages). Having someone say you are not alone is so needed for me right now, so I appreciate seeing how you handle it. My "perfect" son has been experiencing things that have made him crumble at times. I, like you, gave up my career, poured everything into being everything to my family and that has not safeguarded him and I question myself every day. The two phrases I repeat daily is, I love him right where he is, and Love is patient, Love is kind. Your blog community is here to help you, and you us. So thankful to you.

  56. Dear Amanda
    My darling daughter age 10 and I read your blog together whilst having a last goodnight cuddle …. We both adore your lovely stories and wonderful events you create for your boys …. We even did a side trip to serenbe last year based on your post! You have entered our lives and enriched and educated us with both beauty and creativity. I live in the Uk but spent several years in Atlanta teaching as a special educator for both city of Atlanta and Fulton. I am saddened that you are have worries , I too experienced this for my daughter and when it became clear to me that my concerns were not being taken seriously I swiftly moved her out of the public system and she now attends a private prep school. She has thrived due to the smaller class sizes and a culture of working in partnership with parents. Like many other posts here I add my voice to the importance of being an advocate and really pushing for what you know is best. I am praying and sending much love from Liverpool . All the best

  57. Amanda, just catching up with your blog. I am so sorry to hear about the trouble your family is having. I pray you find the answers to what you're facing and that you feel God's peace and faithfulness through it all. I hope you have a wonderful trip with loads of fun memories…and maybe a little relaxing, too! Praying for you.

  58. Both of my kids are now 16 & in college but I remember some really ROUGH days when they were younger. My son got bullied for wearing glasses & being small (he's now 6'4 so who gets the last laugh eh) and my daughter got teased by the mean girls a lot in middle school. Every year, every day it was a stressful struggle because as parents it hurts our hearts so much. I always say our kids are like a heart outside of our body…we can't always control the outside world but we can love, encourage and empathize with our children during this time. There's no magic button or dust…I sure wish there was. But I will say breathe, find a way to decompress and keep being the mom that you aren't alone in this! Hugs to you and your family!

    Suzanne J

  59. Oh, Amanda, as mothers we can all feel your pain! Someone once told me that "A Mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child!". So true! Prayers for you and your little one! It will all be okay. You are the center of his world and his safe place. Praying for resolution to the problems, God's guidance for you all, and peace for your Mommy heart.

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