Stevie’s Story

I wavered back and forth on how (and IF) to tell y’all that Sister’s family lost their puppy Stevie yesterday.  She had no real presence on the blog and is an animal most of you never knew, but ultimately her story is a testament to the incredible hearts and unwavering humanity of my sister and her husband.  And that is something that I am proud of and humbled by.

They lost their dog of 12 years, Piper, in April.  She was their first child, the first grandchild, and the whole family adored her.  I mean, she was even given a family name (my “girl name” to be exact) AND an oil painting of her portrait hung in my baby’s nursery for crying out loud.  They were absolutely devastated but knew that they would welcome another creature into their lives when the time was right.  They started following dog rescues on Facebook and, much sooner than they expected, saw little Stevie scroll across their page.  On inquiry they were saddened to find out that she was all the way in Maine, having been saved from a ditch and then a kill shelter in Alabama just days before her death.  So, imagine their delight when by sheer serendipity the shelter owner had a friend driving from Maine all the way back to Chattanooga (one hour from Atlanta and Sister’s Mister’s hometown) that was willing to bring Stevie all that way.  What an incredible journey that little Stevie made to find her home!  They rejoiced and prepared to welcome their new puppy in May!

Stevie was the cutest and sweetest little pup, with markings on her back that looked just like angel wings.  And I do think that she was a little angel sent across the country and back to help heal a broken-hearted family.  She carried on with all the usual puppy mischief, which brought me great delight in that it made Elsa’s antics not look quite so naughty.  :-)

If you will remember, back over Labor Day weekend Stevie got sick when we were all at the beach.  The emergency vet said she was high on pot, which we were just incredulous over.  After another episode a couple of weeks later in Atlanta, she was diagnosed with canine meningitis.  It is different than in humans and something that dogs do not recover from.  Sister and her family were absolutely devastated.  They did everything they could for her, all the while knowing the ultimate outcome, and did so much more than I believe I could have if in their shoes.

Yesterday, after just seven months of having Stevie and at just one year old, the sweet puppy with the angel wings went to be an angel herself.

After the initial devastation wanes, I hope that Sister and her family can see all of the good that they did.  That they gave life to a puppy who was just hours away from death in a shelter.  That they gave a home to a puppy that never would have had one.  That they gave unwavering love and comfort to a puppy who never would have known it otherwise.  And that they never gave up on her.

I know the thought of going through this devastation again after burying two beloved animals in one year is unbearable, but I hope that their hearts will heal and they will one day be able to bring another lost creature home.  From my earliest memories of Sister, she has loved all of God’s creatures completely and wholly and I don’t think she’s been without a pet since she was a toddler.  I hope that 2017 brings much joy and happiness and hopefully four little feet to the S family.  Say a little prayer for them and their Stevie, if you will, as they travel back home today.  I think they could use it.



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27 thoughts on “Stevie’s Story

  1. This just breaks my heart for them. I’m a dog person and have followed Stevie’s journey with their family. We lost our 2 Senior dogs this year (Jan and April) and it was so hard to say goodbye. After months of grieving, we adopted a Senior Golden Retriever in August. I will pray for Sister and her family and their broken hearts, and that God will help them find another precious doggie to make their family complete again. And I pray that they know Stevie and Piper will be waiting for them at the “Rainbow Bridge” in Heaven one day.

  2. That is such a beautiful testament to your sister and her family and the amazing gift of love and loyalty they gave to an unwanted puppy.

  3. Amanda, I am so sorry for your sister’s and her family’s loss. My heart breaks whenever I hear of someone losing a pet and I felt especially sad reading this knowing that they lost Piper just a short time ago as well. I am sure she must feel some comfort in knowing that she gave Stevie a loving home after what he went through. It’s obvious she has a huge heart and I will keep her in my prayers. I hope once she is ready, she finds another dog for her family to fall in love with again. Take care.

  4. I am so sorry for your sister and her family. We lost our rescue dog in April. Dexter was a puppy when we got him and he was part of our family for sixteen years. ( I have a painting of him in my dining room ?) My heart breaks for them, I know how heartbreaking this can be. Praying.

  5. so sorry to see this news about stevie. our pets provide us with so much love and devotion that and the grief that we feel when they are gone is so overwhelming, but so are the memories that we have of them and they of stevie. I will be praying for comfort over their family and hope that they will fill their home again with another fury family member.

  6. I am heartbroken for your sister and her family. Stevie truly was an angel who came at the right time and whose story I will share with friends. Our beloved fur baby “Zoe The Cat” died unexpectedly in April at 12 years old; we had rescued her from an abusive home at age 2. Our hearts will forever miss her; each day, hubs and I share a spontaneously remembered snippet of her as boss of our family. We welcomed a rescue shelter cat “TAIMA the 12th SeaCat”(Seahawks fans here!) in August.
    Prayers for your sister and her family.

  7. Amanda,
    I have been subscribed to Dixie Delights for what feels like a long time now, and I so enjoy reading your blog but I’ve never commented before today. Thank you for sharing the story of Stevie and Piper. It’s obvious both you and your sister have incredibly generous and giving hearts and spirits. It sounds like Stevie was lucky to spend her time with such an amazing family, and they were lucky to have her!

    I have a little print in my office that says “Good dogs are with us for a little while to teach us how to love like it’s our job…because it is.” It sounds like Stevie and Piper did just that. My thoughts and prayers are with your sister’s family as they heal.

  8. Although I am not a dog lover, we are a rescue family with 2 cats…and I am so so sad to hear this story but know your sister is an angel to rescue and care for Stevie. The love and compassion she and her hubby showed Stevie will have such an impact on her children and yours when they are adults. Much love and hugs to the S family and to yours. Thx for sharing this story…..

  9. Thank you for sharing this bittersweet story. This is truly a testament to what kind of person your sister and her family are. I will definitely say a prayer for them.

  10. Losing a pet is so headtbreaking…I know Your sister’s family is suffering but what an invaluable lesson they have taught their children about helping and loving a unwanted animal. Compassion, love and devotion..this experience will shape them to be even better people. God bless!

  11. I recall your mother saying that “all little boys need a dog”, so may you be comforted that your precious Matthew and beautiful Stevie are laughing and leaping across the clouds today as new and heavenly friends.

    May God comfort your sweet family at this time.

  12. Heartbreaking. Our dog is going to be 14 and I know this year or next we will be facing his end of life. It is so difficult to love an animal so much and then have to lose it. My prayers and thoughts are with them. I love that the puppy had angel wings….a blessing for sure.

  13. Thank you for sharing this wonderful journey. Your sister and her family may never know the happiness they brought to Stevie’s short life, but they did it anyway. God bless them!

  14. Such a wonderful tribute you wrote Amanda…and the pictures are priceless.
    So sad…but how wonderful that Stevie had so much love this past year.

    Sending prayers to all of you.

  15. My heart just breaks for your sister and her family. We are going through recently discovered illness in our pet also. It is just devastating and I send them prayers and hugs…especially now!

  16. So very sorry for the loss of Stevie. I will offer up prayers for comfort for your sister and her family.

    You did such a beautiful job writing Stevie’s story!

  17. Stevie’s story brought tears to my eyes! God bless her! And bless your sister’s amazing Family for giving her such a good life ❤

  18. My heart is breaking too. Stevie was so sweet and never let her suffering keep her from being near the family she loved. I cried when I saw the picture of Daddy-O reading The Night Before Christmas, and there was blessed, quiet Stevie sitting right there too.
    A beautiful tribute to a loving family. And the love and joy that Stevie brought in her short life made a lasting impact on the whole family.
    Love, Marme

  19. Sweet Stevie had a good life with a family that saved her, loved her, and cared for her. A good dog like Stevie is a blessing for a family and she will have a place in your hearts forever.

  20. There’s a sweet little book called Dog Heaven by renowned children’s author, Cynthia Rylant that I’ve always found comforting for anyone going through the loss of a dog.

  21. Very sorry for Sister’s loss. Losing a pet is extremely difficult…but 2 in one year is heartbreaking. What a gift your Sister’s family gave to this sweet precious pup. It looks as if he brought such unconditional love in his short time with his rescue family. Your post was beautifully written Amanda and a lovely tribute to this angel puppy. It truly brought tears to my eyes.

  22. Amanda, Please let your sister know we are praying for her family, especially to St. Francis, who knew the deep love and treasure found in God’s precious furry creations. They rescued her and gave her love that erased all of her unpleasant memories, so that her journey may only be filled with warmth and beautiful memories. ((hugs))

  23. What a sad yet compassionate story. Sister and her Mister gave that sweet dog a loving second chance at life. My heart breaks with you all and am lifting y’all up in prayer. The loss of a beloved pet is so hard. xoxo

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