Daily Delight {Tissue Paper Peonies}

Mother and I are back again this week with the video tutorial on how to make the darling tissue paper peonies from CeeCee’s Bambi party!

After watching a bunch of you tube videos and reading multiple how-tos with none of them turning out right, Sister simplified everything and came up with her own method.  She couldn’t be with us to film the video so Mother and I muddled through on our own.  They are really quite simple and, as you can see, can be made in every size under the sun in many color combinations.

Here’s the how-to:


I have linked all of the sources below under my signature.

As mentioned in the video, I couldn’t bear for her to throw them out after the party so I carried the whole box home.  I have no idea how or where I will use them but I think Valentine’s day will definitely involve paper peonies this year :-)

If you missed it, we filmed a video tutorial for how to make tissue paper tassels last week, and I have an entire video archive of everything from flower arranging to home tours here:  Daily Delight Video Series

I’m hoping I’ll have a chance to write the full party post in the next week.  It was the loveliest party I’ve ever been to!!


Crepe Paper for Leaves  |  Pink Crepe Tissue (flowers)  |  Ivory Crepe Tissue (flowers)
affiliate links used

Daily Delight Video Series  |  Delightful Parties and Celebrations

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6 thoughts on “Daily Delight {Tissue Paper Peonies}

  1. The paper peonies are just the sweetest thing ever. Thank you (and your Mom) for sharing the “how to” video! I’m already thinking of making these on the smaller side, glueing a ribbon to the back and tying them around napkins for Easter brunch. So lovely.

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