May Flowers

April showers bring May flowers, as the old saying goes. And that certainly holds true on my front porch!

(If anyone knows what I can do the help out my poor shrub on the left, I’m all ears. I have no idea what happened to it.)

The flower basket is by Bronwyn Hanahan Art.  I’ve had it for a few years already and it has held up wonderfully – like the rest of my collection of her door hangers.

I love how colorful and cheery it is to usher in May and all of its activities.

Everything in the yard has greened up and started to bloom. I can’t believe the size of my brand new ferns this year!

Over on the side door, I have a bicycle in the same colors as the flower pot. It is also by Bronwyn Hanahan art. You can see our clean, pressure washed driveway and refreshed pinestraw here too! I’ve got shamrocks and violas in the pot still.

On a side note, I had the pleasure of volunteering at 7th grade field day today. I worked the concession stand and every single teen had beautiful manners, made great eye contact, picked up after themselves and shared their snacks with the ones that didn’t bring money. I think their futures are bright! I couldn’t be prouder of the kids and parents that are raising them. <3

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15 thoughts on “May Flowers

  1. We’ve definitely had a ton of rain so I am hoping for some amazing flowers this year! Sorry I don’t have any advice for the shrub but our landscaper did tell us that certain boxwoods have been struggling these past couple of years. There is apparently a fungal disease some of them have been getting in many places on the east coast. Just a thought…then again, you know I am not a gardening expert by any means! Ha! Love your spring decor and I am glad you had fun volunteering!
    xo Shelley

    1. Yuck. I’m going to cut back and hope for the best. Wish it wasn’t at my front door.

  2. The boxwood looks like mine did when we had a territorial visitor (a neighbor’s cat we caught on video) attempt to take over that little territory. We cut out the affected part of the boxwood and it eventually grew back in. Good luck!

  3. Amanda, we’ve had that to eventually happen to shrubs in every house we’ve lived in. Sometimes it happens when they are only a year or two old, and sometimes not until they are ten. We’ve always been told it’s a drainage issue. How to remedy that I’m not sure of. We would just cut back the dying area, but it would keep progressing until eventually there was nothing left, and then off to Pike’s to buy a replacement. So I am of no help whatsoever other than to let you know you are not alone :) Maybe someone else will chime in with a more productive suggestion.

    1. They didn’t. They are inexpensive urns from Hobby Lobby (painted black) on top of inexpensive upside down pots from Target.

  4. Amanda, that occasionally happens to some of our shrubs when we have our house pressure washed. We try to cover as much of the shrubbery as we can so the bleach does not get on the shrubs but sometimes it cannot be helped. I did notice the other day that one of my shrubs does have some brown/tan leaves from the bleach and I will just cut that little area out.

  5. It might be a fungus. Boxwoods, turf grass, arborvitae Leyland Cypress are all susceptible to fungus. We currently use Dr Brown’z organic fungicide because we have two chihuahuas we love. 😬😍 Just cut out the dead spots and spray your bushes, grass, shrubs that appear to have a fungus. We are keeping all those residential chemical companies in business!! 😂

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