The Elephant in the Room

As you might suspect, I’ve been burning the midnight oil helping all of my clients sort out their travel plans in light of coronavirus. Separate from that, I’ve received a surprising number of messages, primarily on Instagram. I figure it’s time to address the elephant in the room.

As a family, we are taking it day by day and making the best decisions we can for our family. Period.

As a travel agent, I am committed to helping my clients do what is best for their family. Whether that means writing an awesome itinerary because you’re going, postponing a much anticipated trip to summer, or taking a future cruise credit because you don’t know when you can travel again. I’m not going to lie… it’s been grueling but it is a way to further demonstrate my value to the people that trusted their trips to me in the first place! I feel for the people out there that are sitting on long holds or can’t even get in touch with a human at discounters like Expedia or Costco.

As a blogger, and this is what I really wanted to share today, I am intentionally not sharing articles, thoughts, opinions, etc. I have nothing to add to the dialogue and no expertise at all to offer anyone. I feel like this is my very small part in not adding to the “noise”. It is extremely hard to find facts right now. (I’ve never seen so many people with “friends on the ground in Italy” or “coworkers husbands that are infectious disease specialists”.)

And, finally, as a mother I am falling on my old stand-by of reminding my kids to not only look for the helpers right now, but to remember that they are old enough to BE helpers now. These are uncertain times at best, and scary times at worst. I suspect we will have many opportunities in the coming days to see and be the helpers.

I’m going to carry on carrying on here on the blog. School is out indefinitely and I hope to stay well and spend some quality time with the boys. I’ll be sharing St. Patrick’s Day treats and Easter fun but that doesn’t mean I don’t have CV to top of mind. I just know y’all come here day after day and year after year for the lighter side of life. Love and hugs…

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12 thoughts on “The Elephant in the Room

  1. Thank you so much for this reasonable, calm perspective and also for refraining from weighing in with an “expert” opinion. I hope you all stay well!

  2. Amanda,
    Being a travel agent you have a very tough job at the moment. While I know you want to calm customers nerves and anxieties there is simply no way anyone can predict or speculate what will happen from day to day with this virus. I just read that Disneyland is shutting down after March 14th for two weeks. So things are being taken seriously and while we as Americans aren’t use to sitting idle or being patient its something we all are going to have to get use to for the short term at least.

    I have faith we will get through this time of uncertainly and come out stronger as Americans. My husband and I are baby boomers and we were talking last night about the Hong Kong flu that hit in the 60’s. It killed lots of people around the world and the US was hard hit. He had a great-uncle that died from it as well and a friend of mine had a grandfather that almost died from it.

  3. Best thing I have read in weeks! You nailed it! Good luck with all your clients – I have no doubt that you are taking the best care of them.

  4. Well said, thank you! And I love this line, “I’ve never seen so many people with “friends on the ground in Italy” or “coworkers husbands that are infectious disease specialists”. Sorry for the additional stress you are going through, but this is exactly why I personally use a travel agent for any large trip. If things go bad, I want her helping! I know your clients appreciate your help.

  5. Thank you for your post. I will share the Mr. Rogers image with my students today, as we are still in school (for now), and my ninth graders are old enough to be the helpers, too.

  6. Amanda, I can’t tell you how “delightful” it is to read your post today! You exude such class and humility and are such a great example to us all. I believe those with a platform carry a big responsibility during times like these and your measured, level-headed “public“ response is a breath of fresh air. May God bless you, your family and your business.

  7. Amanda…thank you for your open and kind heart. I subscribe to just a handful of blogs. I am grateful when I open my daily emails that you have posted. What a beautiful reference to dear Mr. Rogers. I have forwarded your post today to many friends and family. Hoping it brings comfort to many.

  8. Very well said. I’m a nurse in a large hospital and not seriously worried at this point. On a happy note I was able to score a 2 bedroom at the Grand California for three days in May because someone cancelled. I have every faith in Disney:) Take care of yourself while to are working overtime for others.

  9. My plan is to stay home and work in the yard. It desperately needs weeding and clipping and I have no excuse not to do it! Your comments are perfect! Love,

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