April Fool’s Silly Supper Sideshow {Free Printables}

Come one! Come All!  The gentlemen of the household awoke to find invitations to a Silly Supper Sideshow. I haven’t done a dinner like this in years, since we are usually on Spring Break come April 1. Whit didn’t remember the last one at all, while John (who has a mind like a steel trap) recalls it as one of his “childhood” favorites. Ha!

This dinner is hard to pull off as a surprise at the kitchen table. With the dining room table employed as an office and it too chilly for the porch, I set up in the den at the banquette. It was really a nice change of scenery.

At six p.m. sharp, I ushered the anxious attendees to their seats here they sat down to place their orders for the guaranteed four course fiasco!

Going from the silly descriptions, they placed their orders for all four courses at the beginning of the meal.  They had to get each item one time and couldn’t have any repeats.

I had prepared everything earlier in the day and had it in the kitchen in covered dishes.  I learned years ago that this is key to not feeling frazzled as the host and being able to enjoy yourself.

Honey, ever the puzzler, did pretty well with his selections.  Most of the courses were much more hysterical. 

When served on a regular day, the supper would consist of salad, ham, potatoes, broccoli and strawberry shortcake. (I should note that due to the current situation we accidentally ate the broccoli earlier in the week. I couldn’t find any supplies to make shortcake – no flour or bisquick STILL at our Publix – so I had to use waffles.)

It was a crazy fun evening and definitely lightened the mood after the kids learned they wouldn’t be going back to finish elementary or middle school. Not that that stopped us from trying to pull one over on John.

I know it’s a whole 365 days away, but if you’d like to recreate the fun for your family, click on the link below to download the file with the invitation, menus, food key and course cards.

download free printables >>> silly supper sideshow

I hope that you and yours are well and that this was a tiny bright spot in your day. <3

Everything April Fools Day

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5 thoughts on “April Fool’s Silly Supper Sideshow {Free Printables}

  1. I wanted to try that April Fool’s dinner or breakfast but couldn’t pull it off in time. I did just random jokes instead…frozen Froot Loops for breakfast, “cookies” (printed from my computer) and milk and “brownies” (E’s printed on brown card stock). I had to work with what I had already at home.

    I saw you guys are closed for the rest of the school year. Us too in VA. We started with a 2 week closure and then it was changed to the remainder of the school year. You know I teach high school…it’s been something but I know it’ll be ok in the end. The one perk is that I get to be home with my son all day :)

    My MIL’s 70th is coming up in June. They live in GA. We were going to have a surprise party for her but now that’s a no-go. We still have our RC cruise booked for July and am debating on cancelling or waiting…Have thought about going to Fla instead to Disney but not sure about that either :/ I need a vacayyyyy.

    Anyway, keep posting the fun, cheerful stuff because I’m checking in and it’s much needed and appreciated <3

    You guys stay safe <3

  2. any way these printable can be editable so we can switch up the food/details? I want to do this for my son’s birthday this weekend :) such a fun idea!

    1. Sweet of you to ask but I changed computer and only have images, not the original files. Hope he has a nice birthday!

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