OPEN National Field Day

With so many end of year festivities cancelled, especially for mine in 5th and 8th leaving their schools, we were thrilled that Field Day was a go! Both of our schools encouraged us to join in OPEN National Field Day on May 8. We took pictures, kept scores and had a fantastic time right in the driveway.

Honey and I reviewed all of the event cards early in the week and agreed on the 6 we would host at home. I will say, the OPEN National Trainers really knocked it out of the park. I printed score cards and event cards and gathered everything we would need on a folding table in the driveway.

We started with the Spirit of the Game Pledge and then reviewed the rules… Be Safe. Have Fun. Spirit of the Game.

Backboard Bank It

Score as many points as you can in 1 minute by tossing sock balls off the backboard into the bucket.

Winner: Whit

Flip Your Lid

Score 1 point every time you flip a tupperware lid upside down with a spatula in one minute. If it lands right side up, score 0. Reset the lid to right side up after each flip.

Winner: John

Paper Plane Corn Hole

Each player creates 3 paper airplanes. Earn 1 point for every plane you land in a bucket in 1 minute.

Winner: Whit

Scavenger Hunt

Find as many items on the list as you can in 5 minutes. We limited ourselves to only the outside of the house and played in teams of 2. You had to have a separate item for each individual thing on the list.

Winner: Amanda & John (the ONLY thing I won, lol)

Corn Flip 400 Meter Dash

On the start signal, flip the coin. Let it land flat on the floor. If it lands on “heads” run 20 running steps and then flip the coin again. If the coin lands on “Tails” do not run. Flip again until it lands on heads. Count your steps out loud. When you get to 400, time stops, and the dash is over.

Winner: John

Sock-er Skee-Ball

Use your feet to kick the sock ball into the target. Score 1 point for every sock ball that lands in the laundry basket. Score 5 points for every sock ball in the bucket. Score 10 points for sock balls in the tupperware. You get 10 chances.

Winner: Honey

You can find all of the events, details and printables at OPEN National Field Day.

Many thanks to our schools for encouraging us to participate and bring a much anticipated event home!

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2 thoughts on “OPEN National Field Day

  1. Amanda,
    You guys are so creative as a family…love your games! What a great way to get out and have some fun and exercise as well. I remember in elementary school having “Field Day” each year and it was always so much fun. I was never good at the sack races for some reason but loved playing “Red Rover” and dodgeball which could get a little rough at times if I remember correctly.

    I just read when Disney is planning for a opening in July. I know you will be posting more about this soon as you learn details. It will be interesting to see what changes Disney will be making to ensure the health and safety of visitors during the virus. I hope this isnt too premature on Disney’s part.

  2. This is such a cute idea!! I had to do a double take when I first started reading and thought, “What?? Georgia schools are having field day?” As always, I’m blown away by people’s creativity and ingenuity. Great job on putting the effort in for your family. I’m going to forward this link on to my school.

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