Adventures by Disney {Day 6: Home on the Ranch in Big Sky}

Our last full day in Montana was spent enjoying the Big Sky Resort.

Adventures by Disney: Montana
Day 1: Bozeman
Day 2: Yellowstone National Park
Day 3: Yellowstone National Park
Day 4: Yellowstone to Big Sky
Day 5: Big Sky High
Day 6: Home on the Ranch
Montana Memories

Breakfast at Huntley Lodge

Once again, the boys slept through breakfast! Honey and I enjoyed a long one with multiple cups of coffee to fuel up for the day.

Free time at Big Sky Resort

Our morning was free to enjoy Big Sky! Our trip included tickets for the scenic lift chair ride up and down the mountain. We picked up delicious sandwiches to go from Hungry Moose and carried our picnic up to the top. It was an absolutely gorgeous place to enjoy our meal while soaking in the views. We all were enamored by seeing a ski mountain in summer. There were tons of bikers on the trail, which were also fun to watch.

1/2-Day Fly-Fishing Trip on the Gallatin River

This was such a wonderfully memorable activity! Honey fly fishes regularly, but it was the first time for the rest of us. People travel from all over the world to fly fish on the Gallatin and this was the activity Honey was most looking forward to. We had one guide per every two guests, so our family split up. Each guide took their charges to one of their favorite spots. It was an absolutely mesmerizing activity, wading out to the very top of my thighs and feeling almost alone on the river. I caught two rainbow trout, and each of the boys caught three fish of varying types. The jury is out on who caught the biggest fish. We think it was Whit with a 17″ brown trout, but John’s wasn’t measured. Photographic evidence makes it look too close to call with certainty. :-)

This activity was for ages 10 years and older. An alternate activity was casting instruction from an expert at a stocked trout pond.

Farewell BBQ Dinner

All good things must come to an end. Tonight we bid farewell to our fellow Adventurers and to the glorious beauty of Montana and Yellowstone National Park. The last night of every adventure is always emotional – looking through a photo slideshow, sharing favorite memories and bidding farewell to our guides and new friends. We received a code to download all of the photos from the trip, but here are a few from the guides.

All About Adventures by Disney

Adventures by Disney are expertly planned and guided group tours visiting 35 destinations across 6 continents.  You can visit the world’s most iconic locations with Disney as your guide and your storyteller, and enjoy experiences, activities, dining and adventures in a way that only Disney can do.  This is not a theme park tour with Mickey Mouse and popcorn buckets.  These are trips around the world where you experience the service and VIP treatment that Disney is known for. 

There are so many ways to follow along on our trip and see why I am so passionate about Adventures by Disney!

If you’re ready to learn more, I’d LOVE to talk your ear off about YOUR adventure! :-) My job is to handle all of the details so you can enjoy the anticipation of your trip without the stress and time commitment of “figuring everything out”.  On top of that, family vacations are expensive and my experience and attention to detail make it possible to get the most out of your vacation dollars.  Best of all, booking Adventures by Disney through me does not cost one cent more than doing it on your own, and it is a wonderful way to support my small business.

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Everything Disney |  Adventures by Disney | Germany Trip Report | Montana Trip Report

Tomorrow we head out on our separate ways, with a week’s worth of family, friends and memories to treasure!

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