Celebrating Easter {Two Lenten Printables}

The Lenten season is upon us and I thought I’d share two free printables I created and use with my family today! Between Valentine’s Day and Groundhog Day and Mardi Gras and now Lent, every time I am posting one of our long standing traditions or celebrations I feel such uncertainty at what next year will bring and feel like without John here. I know we will all adapt but I also know it won’t be the same and that does make me incredibly sad.

Today For Lent Printables for Teens & Kids

My family has used these “Today for Lent” cards for over a decade and we haven’t out grown them yet.  Each one has a prayer, act of kindness or a simple sacrifice and it has proven to be a wonderful, tangible way to bring Lent and Easter into our home every day. The first pages include our cards, and the last page is blank should you like to make your own.

Having two teens in the house, I updated the set of cards to include a few more age appropriate items last year.

You can find the free printable cards for kids here:

And the free printable cards for teens here:

Fast From … Printable

Similar words to the below have been credited to Pope Francis, though I didn’t fact check that.

Regardless, they are so powerful and meaningful Lenten reminders that I wanted to not only say them to my boys, but also print them out as tangible reminders of living Lent. I have one on each of our four desks and though you might want to share with your own family!

You can right click and save the image, or use the Download button for the PDF.

I am disappointed in myself for not making it to mass yesterday. Honey was in a bad wreck in early December when a woman plowed into him at full speed on his way home from work and totaled his beloved Jeep. He is fine – he had horrible chest pain from the air bag for a couple of weeks but x-rays showed it would heal in time. And it did. We still haven’t figured out the car situation so we’ve been sharing for two and a half months now. Since we are not letting John take his car to college, we are trying to be intentional about what we really need and when we need it. It hasn’t been too much trouble but every now and then I miss being able to run out whenever I want to. LOL. (Also, Honey works at home 2 days a week, so I’m really only stranded a few days.) Back to mass, I haven’t missed a Sunday (that I’ve been in town) in a few months and so missing yesterday felt like I’d let myself down. And then it was Valentine’s Day so we went out for date night rather than evening mass.

Gosh, I dumped a lot of feeling son y’all in this one little post :-)

I’d love to hear if you have an Lenten traditions or ways that you mark the season at home.

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3 thoughts on “Celebrating Easter {Two Lenten Printables}

  1. I am so sorry your husband was in a wreck! That must have terrifying for all of you. Thank goodness he has recovered. We had a similar car sharing experience last year when we were unexpectedly down a vehicle and it made me realize what a luxury it was to have a car for each driver!

    Thank you for the “Fast From…” printable. I’m going to send a copy to each of my daughters. (They are both in college out of state–our first Easter with an empty nest!) As for my own Lenten practice, I’m trying something a little different this year. There’s a verse from the book of James that I like that encourages one to be “quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.” I’m trying to put it in to practice each day, and I’m hoping to find some other verses that speak to me that I might be able to live in my daily life.

    I love your blog! Best to you and your family.

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