The Midnight Library by Matt Haig was a charming and intriguing read. The Midnight Library exists in the place between life and death, and each book in the library tells the story of a life one could have read based on their choice. It was one of those books where I could see the picture in my minds eye quite easily and reading it felt like a journey.
Somewhere out beyond the edge of the universe there is a library that contains an infinite number of books, each one the story of another reality. One tells the story of your life as it is, along with another book for the other life you could have lived if you had made a different choice at any point in your life. While we all wonder how our lives might have been, what if you had the chance to go to the library and see for yourself? Would any of these other lives truly be better?
In The Midnight Library, Matt Haig’s enchanting blockbuster novel, Nora Seed finds herself faced with this decision. Faced with the possibility of changing her life for a new one, following a different career, undoing old breakups, realizing her dreams of becoming a glaciologist; she must search within herself as she travels through the Midnight Library to decide what is truly fulfilling in life, and what makes it worth living in the first place.
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I am so happy to hear that you liked the book! I loved it when I read it and recommended it to so many people and everyone that read it enjoyed it, also. I love it when you recommend new books and I’ve read a lot of the ones that you put on your blog. Thanks!
I just finished Code Name Helene…it was fantastic!