I had the good fortune have my own mother in town for Mother’s Day. It doesn’t always happen this way, but I’m grateful when it does!
And Now:
I am also immeasurably grateful to be celebrated myself today. Being mother to John and Whit has been the greatest joy and adventure of my life. I received the most wonderful hand written cards from each of them today and will treasure the words and care they put in to them.
This was the first Mother’s Day I can remember where we didn’t spend the day on the field, and the first one since John started high school where they didn’t schedule the lacrosse banquet. It felt luxurious and indulgent to do absolutely nothing! Honey picked up Krispy Kreme for breakfast and cooked a steak feast for dinner. We didn’t take a single pic. :-)
And, on this day, I am holding space….
Happy Mother’s Day!
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