Saturday was literally the most gorgeous Florida day – 65 degrees, sunny and picture perfect. We slept in again (a big reason to love Universal over Disney) and took the water taxi over to Islands of Adventure to start the day.

First stop – an almond croissant. I can’t resist.

Next we took some time to explore Seuss Landing. Well… Honey waited in line at Green Eggs & Ham while I explored. It is just the cutest! There is a carousel, playground, ride, characters, shops and so much more.

We dove in head first on our first coaster of the day – Velocicoaster. Ya’ll.. this is the craziest coaster I’ve done and I love it more every time. We explored Jurassic World but passed on River Adventure since I usually get soaked.

In Hogsmeade we did Forbidden Journey and waited in the 87 hour line for Hagrid’s (worth it). We saw the Frog Choir perform and drank butterbeers.

Next on the agenda were Spiderman, Dr Doom and Hulk. Hulk rounds out my top 3 at Universal after Velocicoaster and Hagrid’s.

We stopped for margaritas and soaked in the Florida sunshine.

Back in Hogsmeade we took the train over to Diagon Alley..

Back inside Universal Studios, we saw the Animal Actors show, which is a don’t miss for us. It was Honey’s first time seeing Bourne Stuntacular and he loved it. We meandered through the Wicked store.

Our park day ended at Finnegan’s for dinner and live music!

We took the water taxi back to Sapphire Falls and had a nightcap at Strongwater Tavern, one of my favorites. I love that their hotel bars stay open until midnight.

Let’s Travel & My Services
As a Premier Level Advisor with Glass Slipper Concierge, I am recognized for providing the highest level of customer service, experience, and knowledge in the industry. I use my personal connections and firsthand expertise to craft EPIC Universal vacations for the most discerning clients. On top of that, theme park vacations are expensive and I know how to get the best value for your time and money. I often hear that Universal is “so easy” that you don’t need a travel agent. That may be true, but my services for Universal are completely FREE to you and your trip will not cost any more than if you booked it on your own. You will get a detailed touring plan, tips, tricks, restaurant reservations and more, all based on my personal and frequent visits to Universal Orlando. On top of that, you’re supporting my small business. It’s a WIN-WIN!!