Honey and I scooted off on a date night to the Braves game last night. Back when dates were plentiful and littles were not, a ball game would have been just about the last place I’d want to spend a night out. But these days, before I’ve even heard his proposition on where we might go or what we might do, I find myself frantically nodding my head and practically grabbing my purse as soon as Honey mutters the words “Do you want to get a babysitter…” So, we spent a perfect July evening cheering on the Braves, dining on some sort of gourmet dog in the 755 Club and even having uninterrupted adult conversations (oh, the novelty of that). It’s worth mentioning that we could NOT tell the PCP where we were going. He likely would have put on such a first class hissy fit that I would have been left home with Cookie so that he and Honey could catch the ball game. So when he asked, I replied that we were going someplace to hold hands, stare into each other’s eyes and say “I love you” one zillion times, he wrinkled up his face and scurried back to the playroom. Thinking on my feet, people. Thinking on my feet. And how does a five year old already think that is yucky???
As for today, everyone is just stirring after staying up late and we have no where to go, no chores to do, no errands to run. We’re on the brink of a good long summer day with nothing to do.
So, I think we’ll do a little of this…
Followed by a dip in the pool and lunch dressed like this…
Then a little Scooby Doo which hopefully leads to this…
Definitely a snack like this…
Probably to be followed by this…
To culminate in this (with the last three sparklers I found in the garage)…
Oh, how I relish days like this.
Have a great summer day, y’all!