We’re back home from our last trip of the summer before school starts and, between outings in Savannah and Atlanta, the Kindergarten Countdown is ON!!!
W: have fun in the water
Have fun in the water at the local spray ground we sure did! And when we were sufficiently water-logged, we headed to the playground, had a picnic lunch, fed the ducks and then went back for MORE fun in the water!!
R: ride bikes
We didn’t go far for this. Just out to the driveway for some good clean bike ridin’ fun!
V: tend to our vegetable garden
On our way out of town to Savannah, we popped into our plot at the community garden to eat sweet cherry tomatoes straight from the vine (no better way than that), spread some organic fertilizer, clip some cuces, peppers and herbs and douse our plants with a hearty helping of H2O.
E: explore the creek marsh
We’d planned to explore the creek behind Juju’s house but instead made an afternoon of marsh bogging behind Mimi’s place! These pics were pretty early into the jaunt. By the time the littles were done they were covered from head to toe in pluff mudd.