The Easiest Summer Bucket List Ever

So, we have a little tradition around these parts to sit down as a family at summer’s start and dream up all sorts of FUN goings and doings to while away the break.  Last year we had this cute list, and the year before we had an A to Z Kindergarten Countdown.  As for 2013, well, we broke out the post-its and markers and went to town on what might be the easiest (to construct) summer bucket list ever (note: easy does not translate to cute in this case.)

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We adhered them right to the play room door so that they can be observed, pondered and discussed about one gazillion times per day.  And when we’re done (or at least started), they move to the other playroom “summer fun done” door.

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Our lists runs the gamut of time and money… ranging from the Disney Cruise (done!) and White Water (dream big, kids) to getting a library card, hanging at the pool and playing on the i-phone.  No idea was a bad idea at our brainstorming session so if they said it I wrote it.

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It seems I’d best get off the computer and put the little monsters to bed.  I mean, they didn’t put “stay up until all hours of the night while running around with diapers on our heads” on the list for crying out loud.

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For those of you wondering, YES, the baby still wears diapers at night.  He’s impossible on that front.  But otherwise just as good as gold.  (Cue: Mother snickering.)

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6 thoughts on “The Easiest Summer Bucket List Ever

  1. Love it, easy cute and best of all done! my 4 and a half year old still wears pull ups at night, and I've made peace with it. He will do it when he's ready. Hopefully that is before college!

  2. My biggest boy may never be out of diapers at night. He's 3.5 but he's been potty trained for a year and I've had several friends say, "Oh, my kids potty trained at night the same time they did during the day." Put simply, there is NO WAY James is sleeping without a diaper yet. And at the rate we're going, he may not be ready before kindergarten!

  3. That is too funny! Maybe running around with diapers on their heads should be added to the list. Boys will be boys!

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