Georgia Tech Fan Day 2013

Now that the littles are getting a little older (read: out of diapers and strollers) and more and more into football, Georgia Tech Fan Day is a much anticipated event!  Like last year, we headed down with our shirts to get signed and enjoyed spending a couple of hours rubbing elbows with the team.  Before the tunnel opened to head out onto the field, the littles explored the bounce houses and games.

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I’m not even going to pretend that I know who these guys are.  I mean, sure, I could look them up but I know y’all know my sports prowess is poor at best.  The PCP knew many of them and I can assure you that these guys are nothing short of celebrities in the eyes of my littles.

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While I held our place in the lines, the littles adored running on the big field. 

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(I’m trying to get the baby to stop holding himself.  He had just used the potty so there was no way he needed to go again.)

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We even ran into Sister and her family!! 

fan day

They littles are beyond excited with their signed jerseys and cannot wait to wear them to the field this season. 
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Fan Day is a free event and usually happens on a Saturday in early August . It is always scorching hot so either bring a small cooler with water or cash to buy it.  Vendors sell all sorts of shirts, jerseys, balls and mini helmets for signatures and they also give away the new season’s poster.  Each guest can get one item signed and the players use their own sharpie pens.  The signings only go on for 90 minutes so you’ll want to plan which tents to go to (arranged by position) because I doubt it would be possible to get them all.  We were a little disappointed that they didn’t give early entrance to season ticket holders this year and hope they bring that back in the future!


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7 thoughts on “Georgia Tech Fan Day 2013

  1. What a fun day! And had to laugh at Cookie "holding himself" – we are going through that too & it is about to drive this Mama crazy!

  2. Oh, HOW FUN!!
    The fact that you have the patience to wait on that baby's hair to grow back…oh, my word!!! You are a my hero!!!

  3. Looks like a LOT of fun! We are Tech fans here, too. In fact, my students often give me Tech party things for gifts. (And the Bulldog fans in my class just give me a hard time. LOL)
    Go Jackets!

  4. Yeah! THWGA!!!

    Miss going to spring training. I used to work around the corner from Tech and will watch them. Everybody jokes that Gatech doesn't need to hire anybody for aeration coz my stilletos are doing a fine job at it. :)

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