As for big brother, it was all old hat. He confidently walked into his third grade classroom, offered his hand and introduced himself to Mrs. M. Mrs. M adores chocolate (in a totally over the top I LOVE CHOCOLATE kind of way!) and was thrilled to receive her little treat jar.
The precious little chalkboard topped jars are from my dear friend M’s new site – That Southern Chick. She is genuinely one of the kindest, most thoughtful person I have the pleasure of knowing AND is mommy to these two movie stars (PLUS two more)!! We have far too many things in common, including deep love for Disney, Lilly Pulitzer, monograms, Georgia Tech and all things Southern. Our Honeys get nervous every time we talk for fear of what we’re cooking up next :-)
I created the little tags on “loose leaf paper” to attach the jars. I figure they would be darling filled with just about anything!!
School Paper Tag Free Printable << FREE DOWNLOAD OF TAG
We are all looking forward to a “sweet” year and, after meeting Mrs. M and Mrs. H, I’d say we’re off to a really super start!
On top of meet and greet, I also did the school bus practice ride-a-long with the baby!! He decorated his face so well with “war paint” that Honey thought I did it. LOL. He was very quiet on the ride and, since Mr. R had the kids sit up front and parents in the back, I didn’t get to chat with him. When we got off back at home I asked him what he thought… keep in mind he’s been at the bus stop morning and afternoon for three whole years waiting for his turn… “Well, I thought it would be red and green and purple inside. And very fun. But everything black and brown. It’s just not what I thought.” Bless his heart! Sweet boy has been envisioning rainbows and unicorns and candy falling from the ceilings all these years. Welcome to the real world angel.
Happy back to school!!!
School Paper Tag Free Printable | Everything School | Free Printables
[madmimi id=246857]
Whit's comment about the bus made me giggle! Sweet thing! Hope school is SO fun for him!
Sweet little W's thoughts on the bus, I'm sorry it didn't live up to his expectations! Hopefully it will be more fun once he's on it more!
What great news to hear that Whit is off to a good start, even though the bus isn't quite as he pictured! I started reading your blog when John was in kindergarten and cannot believe this day has already arrived! They both look so handsome and your gift jars are quite charming. Enjoy the weekend!
Jane ~ San Diego
Thank you for the printable! Just realizing I need to get some little gifts made up.
I cannot believe that Whit is already going to kindergarten! It feel as if I was just reading about John starting kindergarten. I love how you bring treats to their teachers. I am sure that they greatly appreciate it.
Ha Whit! Gotta love their imaginations.
Just used it and put it on a jar of chocolate chip cookies for each teacher! Thanks!