After John chose his hysterical Whoopee Cushion Valentine’s from the pages of Oriental Trading, I passed it to Whit to pick his (since I was already placing and order and all that jazz). I was admittedly a little shocked when he forewent the humor and shock factor for sweet little packets of gummy bears.
I’m not sure why it didn’t occur to me at the time, but I’m sure I could have found them cheaper at Target, the grocery store or maybe even the dollar store. Since these would be super easy to pull together AND would work with Teddy Grahams, I thought I’d share the tag here —>>> DOWNLOAD BEARY SWEET VALENTINE
Both of the littles are now super excited to see what kind of loot they get on Friday!!
I love this idea, and my son would crack up at the whoopie cushion ones :)!
So precious. The handwriting…I die!!