A Lucky Welcome

Things are coming up green, ya’ll!!  It’s been absolutely delightful here in Atlanta the past few days and I couldn’t wait to get one of my very favorite Bronwyn Hanahan door hangers back up for St. Patrick’s Day.

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I picked up the Irish flag bunting at Party City a few years ago.  It adds the perfect punch of orange!!  Did y’all know that the Irish “tricolour” flag stands for peace?

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The pups are wearing their kelly green ribbons.  I have purposefully cropped out my pathetic looking pots.  But, I’m counting down the days until I can get two new ferns!!

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March this year is bringing so many AMAZING things for our family.  I could literally squeal with delight and excitement.  Our first stop?!  Home sweet home in Savannah!!


Bronwyn Hanahan  |  Everything St. Patrick’s Day

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3 thoughts on “A Lucky Welcome

  1. I couldn’t decide whether to decorate for St. Patrick’s Day or Easter. Since they’re so close I am not doing both. Easter won out for me. Love, LOVE your door hanger.

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