Celebrating in Savannah

I’m backtracking a little to share with y’all the lovely dessert and champagne celebration that my family surprised me with last weekend.  Mother worked so hard at putting together the perfect pink and gold soiree…







We celebrated late at night after all the littles were slumbering sweetly in their beds.  I can’t find the words to truly convey how special this little night was.  To sit in the dining room where I grew up, in the place that I still call home, with the people that I love most in the world gathered around on my fortieth birthday.  As they sang Happy Birthday in the light of only the candles on my cake, I looked at every single one of them, trying so hard to ingrain that very moment and memory.  I’ve never had a birthday quite like this – where all I could feel was radiant happiness and pure gratefulness for the 40 years behind me and genuine excitement and joy for every day to come.



The sweetest end to the best night was opening my gift from Mother and Daddy-O.  I hadn’t asked for anything – and usually don’t – and their thoughtfulness blew me away.  After 25 years of borrowing Mother’s, they gave me my very own strand of pearls just like hers.  (Except slightly larger according to Marme, LOL.)  The best gifts are the ones you didn’t even know you wanted.

It was said in some early cultures that the pearl was born when a single drop of rain fell from the heavens and became the heart of the oyster. Pearls have been called the ‘teardrops of the moon’. Some believe that pearls were formed by the passage of angels through the clouds of heaven.

When I read this I teared up a bit – y’all know how I feel about oysters and angels.  I will wear mine and treasure mine for all of the days to come.  <3


I know I’ve been terribly sentimental the past few days.  Must be something in the air way up here on the other side of the hill :-)


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17 thoughts on “Celebrating in Savannah

  1. What a lovely gift and your mother is just precious!! I am sure my mom does not know that tassle garlands exist (let making one). Too, too sweet!

  2. What a lovely, special celebration! And what a special gift! I adore my pearls, doubly so because they marked a special occasion, too – the birth of our first son. I know you will treasure wearing them!

    On the other side of 40, I’m convinced the best years of our lives lay ahead. I hope you enjoy every minute of them! ❤️

  3. What a beautiful birthday celebration! I am way past my 40th birthday (getting ready to celebrate my 60th this year – how did that happen?!), but I remember my 40th birthday year with great memories too and I know your memories of this night will be with you the rest of your life! When you turn 40, you realize that you are probably nearing the halfway point of your life and it puts so much in its proper priority and perspective. Enjoy your 40s; mine absolutely flew by!

  4. Mothers know us even better than we know ourselves! This week I got a diamond ring and earrings I didn’t need, but they have been worn everyday. My 50th bday gift from my mom! We are blessed.

  5. The something in the air way up there was the New Moon in Pisces solar eclipse on March 8th (yesterday) and the upcoming Lunar eclipse on March 23 … so essentially you had the solar eclipse on your natal sun and Pisces is a deeply emotional sign and so that would all be activated. Take care, all will be well, solar eclipses generally will help bring something significant to fruition over the next six-months – year. It’s an asset you can use if you have been planning something.

  6. Of all your posts I have followed and studied, this is (now!) my very favorite. I got real chills as I read about all of you in the soft candlelight, gathered lovingly around your mother’s exquisite table, with your birthday song being softly sung. Beyond….beyond…beyond perfection! Many warm wishes to your lovely parents, Sister and husband and Honey too. Your special angel shines in all of you and there was something very heavenly about that celebration.

  7. Did they have it all hidden or did the Littles see it? So curious how they pulled it off. :-)

    1. Mother had all of the little touches hidden away. The adults had gone out and Mother pulled it all out once she had the grands in bed :-) When we came back it was all out but the lights were off – she lured me in there and turned the lights on for the big reveal.

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