We just celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week at the elementary school. We adore Whit’s teach this year and could not be more thankful that his third grade experience is light years beyond the way John started the grade three years back. But, I digress… one of the activities during Teacher Appreciation Week is to have the students fill a basket of supplies for their teacher. I love that Ms. L almost exclusively asked for books to fill her classroom library. This is only her second year teaching, so I know there are so many other things she could have asked for.
Whit chose two sports related titles from her list. Ever since John started Kindergarten we have been using these exact book plates when giving teachers books for their libraries. It’s certainly not required, but every time one of my boys brought home a book with a book plate, we enjoyed seeing who chose it for the class and how long it had been. We didn’t always know the child, but in many cases we knew a sibling.
I have created a generic version of the book plate that you can download and use:
I print them on full page label paper and then cut them down using these items:
Full Page Labels | Fiskars Paper Trimmer
In fact, the label paper and paper trimmer are two of my most used crafting supplies of all time. I’ve had my paper trimmer for probably 18 years and just buy replacement blades for it every now and then. It is as old and the stationery business Sister and I used to run before I had John… Dixie Belles. :-)
While I’m thinking about teacher appreciation, THANK YOU to all of the teachers and administrators out there. Mother was both in her very long career and my bestie M teaches second grade. I know what hard work it is and very, very much appreciate those called to this profession!
Book Plate Free Printable | All Printables
Full Page Labels | Fiskars Paper Trimmer
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Book plates and inscriptions add so much to a book! I love reading the ones in my own collection, some dating back to the 1800’s. Be they be in poetic, antique cursive or my brothers’ writing something clever to me in the 60’s, they are all treasured.
Having briefly taught third grade, right out of college, I would love to have had Whit as a student! And YOU as a parent/volunteer/Room Mom! I am going to print, cut and package these for gift giving! Thanks, Amanda.
Please excuse the typos…only halfway through my coffee out here on the west coast! ;-)