A Sweet After School Snack

I mentioned yesterday that I’ve been running a bit crazy the last few days. I threw together our traditional first day of school snack with stuff I had around the house, believe it or not.  I did have the foresight to order some cute iced cookies from a local mom and they were *supposed to be* the shining star!

I pulled the chalk board off the wall in the basement and had the two little banners in my stash of party things (originally from the Target dollar spot.)  Sister ordered the boys the silly straws ages ago, and I’ve had them in a mug in my office.  I thought this was the perfect occasion to bring them out!  The apples totally round out the Coke and cookies, right?!

Speaking of the cookies…  Elsa got a hold of them while I was in carpool with John.  She ripped the cookie I had iced for Whit out of the package and devoured it.  The only remnant was the shredded cello bag and red icing on the tip of her nose.  She also pierced her fang (or toenail?!) in John’s but the bag was still in tact.  My sweet neighbor had also ordered cookies for her kids and very generously gave me an extra apple for Whit.  Speaking of Whit, he thought it was fantastic that Elsa got a back to school cookie, naturally.

Just imagine this picture with a Whit cookie and an intact John cookie.  :-)

The notebook paper cookies came with a food safe marker and I was able to add my own personal message.  So cute!!!

Both kids reported back on GREAT first days of school.  Whit said his teacher was sweet and that his class was nice.  He then raved about his good fortune in getting PE on the very first day.

John said he thinks math will be difficult this year, but that his teachers seemed great overall.  He was most pleased with his lunch class and that a few of his lacrosse buddies are in his orchestra class.

It all boils down to the truly important things in school… PE, lunch and friends. Right?!

With that, I am publishing this from the airport after a tearful good bye with my boys and pup this morning.  I’ve never left them for more than 3 nights.  I know they will all do fine without me (Honey dropped me off at ATL and said he was officially entering survival mode for the next 9 days), so I am mostly worried about me being fine without them.  With any luck, by the time you read this I will be in Munich!!!!!!!!!  Stay tuned, as I *plan* to blog throughout my Adventures by Disney study tour!!

Everything School

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5 thoughts on “A Sweet After School Snack

  1. Those cookies are super cute! I can imagine the tears leaving your boys. I have only been away overnight and even that was the worst-haha. Have a great time on your trip!! I hope you are able to blog/post about it because I would love to follow along!

  2. So sweet. I can not wait to read about your adventure. I was in Bavaria last summer and it was absolutely beautiful. Have a safe and fantastic trip!

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