Seeing Santa

For the 13th year running, we made our way down to Phipps Plaza to see the quintessential Atlanta Santa!  (I scanned the pic and don’t know why it’s such poor quality.)  

John was not thrilled about meeting the big guy this year, but little bro was.  I had to show John the pic below as proof of him having a good time hamming it up with Santa.  :-)   We see families every year with their college aged kids in tow.  It’s a tradition I plan to keep for a looooong time.  

We used to go to the Pink Pig every year after pictures, but last year we changed it up and did dinner at Maggianos instead.  They loved it and so we did the same again in 2018.  The pianist did Christmas tunes and everyone had plenty to eat. 

It was a very merry night!


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6 thoughts on “Seeing Santa

  1. I loved taking my daughter to ride on the Pink Pig at Rich’s when she was a tiny child!! DOWNTOWN! She’s 30 now..and has her own daughter. So wish we lived closer to so Lyla Kate could enjoy! Love seeing these pics!

  2. Oh tell John it could be sooooo much worse. My oldest brother is 13 years older than me. I was 5 when he went to college & I insisted we wait to see Santa until he would come home from school. I was a gem of a little sister…. The good news for him is some close family friends were in a similar situation with their youngest being a couple years older than me and their oldest my brother’s closest high school friend so our families would go together and the boys could roll their eyes together and look good for their girlfriends (now wives) by humoring their little sisters.

    1. haha! Sometimes the 3 year age gap seems like nothing and other times it seems immense. I can’t imagine having 13 years between them! Fun memories!

  3. I love seizing every year this special tradition you’ve made for your family. I can’t believe how old your boys are getting, but love that they are together on Santa’s lap! The sweet picture of the three of you just tickles me pink (or tartan plaid at this time of year?).
    Wishing you and your family a Merry, Magical Christmas and a 2019 filled with love, health, prosperity and continued wonderful adventures ❤️. Thanks for including me!

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