
Hello and Happy Saturday! It’s my biggest day of the week where I venture out for provisions and we order our one meal a week in. I saved this to my phone and I laugh every time I see it on my camera roll. I’d have to scratch out “momma” and write in “Daddy-O.”

Speaking of quarantine, this is the level CeeCee has reached.

I did a thing… I colored my own hair. I had NO idea what I was doing and dove right in. I last went to the salon in early February. My goal was to get my highlights that had turned brassy and super blonde in the sun turned back a normal shade while also covering some gray. I used about half of the bottle to put color on my roots and combed it through to where the highlights started. I left that on for 20 minutes. Then I used the rest of the bottle from where the highlights started to the tips. I left all that on for another 15 minutes. It turned out great and still looks like it has some good variation in color, but not as harsh as it was looking. So far I still have all my hair in tact. It is soft and silky and looks natural. I spent about $50 on this and my lady charges $69 so I DEFINITELY won’t be keeping this up. It took over 2 weeks to receive as well. When I was purchasing online, they made it sound like I needed that color reviving gloss. After receiving everything, I really didn’t. I’m going to look into sending that back.

The Disney Bedtime Hotline is back and it is adorable! My boys used to love this when they were little and I still have videos of them receiving their calls.

If you’re not already, be sure to follow my friend Ron on Instagram. He’s been sharing videos of his front garden and back courtyard.

I really don’t watch tv and boy do I wish I did during these times. Honey and I tried Belgravia this week and it was pretty good. It caught my attention and I will definitely keep watching!

Me on Instagram. Sister’s reply.

The puppy is still living her best life. I’ve done such a good job at keeping my adorable bunny slippers away from her. UNTIL THIS WEEK…

Whit and I are pushing hard to get Honey to help us build this…

Honey and I laughed so hard over this. We both legitimately were concerned with how we’d handle quicksand as kids. I asked my boys if they had quicksand strategies and both looked at me like I was crazy. Apparently it was a problem only kids of the 80s had.

This one also made me laugh so hard.

I bought these back in mid-March and have been loving them! I grow both in my garden but the plants are still so small that I can’t get much out of them yet. These have been a great stand-in.

Curious what Elsa Belle has been up to when she’s not chewing the whiskers off of my bunny slippers??? I left her alone for about 20 minutes and came downstairs to this…

I shared how social media brought me to Empress Gin yesterday. Well apparently now I am pegged as a gin drinker. This ad popped up on my feed so I obviously tuned in. It was good!! Lord & Lady Carnarvon talked to viewers about the library at Highclere and their favorite gin cocktails. They plan to do more!

You’ve heard about the Freshman 15. But do you know about the Covid 19? The boys have been spending a lot of time in the kitchen, which is great. However, whoever said you gain weight eating out must not have studied spending 5.5 weeks eating 20 meals a week at home. Grilled sandwiches and any form of eggs are their dishes of choice. If they make it, I eat it. I am going to try “teaching” them how to make salads this week. I keep offering and they keep declining. HA!

Hope you have a safe and happy weekend. Storms are rolling through the South again starting tomorrow so we spent as much time outside as possible.

Puzzle of the Day

Yesterday’s answer: 78

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5 thoughts on “Musings

  1. Loved your musings, friend; as always, my fave posts!

    Hope you’ve enjoyed the weekend are we’re safe through the storms this morning! xo

  2. This “Musings” post was hilarious! I loved the quarantine pic of CeCe. I don’t I have ever seen her smile-less or bow-less…lol. Hope you got Elsa’s mud stains off your furniture too. My last color/cut appointment was January 31st. Yikes! Actually, my hair doesn’t look too bad (just longer) but my roots and color are a different story. I started to order my color on-line as well and attempt it at home but haven’t pulled the plug yet.

  3. So funny. Kids of the 70s had the same quicksand fears. I think it was too much Gilligan’s Island. I also had a fear of a pterodactyl flying off with me thanks to the series, “Land of the Lost”.

  4. I, too, have a niece CeeCee’s same age. And yes, she is living her best life “styling her outfits” during the quarantine!

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