Thanksgiving 2020

We celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday and, while it wasn’t even what our plan A or B looked like, it was still special! This year, more than ever, we’ve learned that most things in life are truly what you make of them. So, rather than fret about what was different, we gathered in masks from a distance, enjoyed a scrumptious meal with our own little family, and thanked God for the ability to do so.

The morning started cool and foggy, and I joined Honey outside to enjoy my coffee while he started on his first bird since our first Thanksgiving!

Since it was such a stunning day, I decided to set up our table al fresco in our new backyard space. I couldn’t ask for anything more than this.

I had originally planned to do four separate tables and shared all of the sources in this blog post:

That post has links to the tablecloth, eucalyptus and candles. I have had the china and items for the place settings since our wedding.

Since I don’t typically host Thanksgiving, my turkey gravy boat from our wedding doesn’t often make it out of the cabinet. :-)

Since plan A called for us to dine together, we had divvied up the menu weeks ago. We ended up still doing that, with different family groups providing the turkey, sides, dessert and appetizers. Each person packaged up their contribution in 4 separate containers. We met up outdoors at 1PM, and exchanged food to carry home and enjoy. It really was a nice plan!

One thing I will remember from Thanksgiving 2020 is dining in casual clothes, with Elsa at our feet, and John digging in on the turkey leg. (Yuck! But something he isn’t usually “allowed” to do with a large group.)

I hope that you were able to celebrate Thanksgiving in whatever way felt special, safe and meaningful to you.

Dixie Delights
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9 thoughts on “Thanksgiving 2020

  1. My husband and I celebrated Thanksgiving by ourselves for the first time since our first married Thanksgiving in 1983 when we lived far away and had no time off form work to travel home……so different in 2020 from past years but we had a great time, enjoyed our meal and the time together…knowing we were safe and that our children and their families were safe too….a sacrifice we made so we can be healthy for the month of December….love that you ate outside~we talked about it but didn’t want to carry everything outside! We then got a headstart on decorating for Christmas and I am not going to be stressed as always wrapping and decorating at the last minute! A blessing for me!

    1. It sounds perfect! I’m so glad you enjoyed your day! When I started carrying everything outside I almost changed my mind. It turned out really nice in the end! xo

  2. Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks to your idea lovely idea of a tablescape I took apart an arrangement I had with silk eucalyptus stems and layed them flat to mimic yours, on our 3 separate tables I set up for dinner al fresco. I made some fresh flower arrangements in some pumpkin soup bowls and placed one in the center of each table and voila, all with things I had in the house like you taught us. Thank you.

    1. Wellllll…. because I didn’t share. We started it very early this year. Then the pandemic slowed things a lot. I didn’t share for so long that then it became awkward. We still haven’t had the final inspection and just got water in it last month. All the leaves are off the trees so I figure I’ll share officially next spring.

    2. I was about to type the same thing… how did I miss that update!?! ;) Looks like a beautiful outdoor space and can’t wait for the official share!

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