Atlanta {The Sandwich Project}

I don’t think I’ve ever come out and said it bluntly, but growing and nurturing a servant’s heart in my boys is of paramount importance to me. They are so very fortunate and I pray that they will use all of their gifts for good and to help, support and inspire others at every turn. Service is a strange thing to talk about – on one hand it seems like bragging, while on the other I hope that sharing on this platform might provide good ideas for others out there like me. So, here we go…

Along with two other 2024 lacrosse moms and friends, we are organizing a monthly service project for the team. Our focus is on the sophomores, but we have invited everyone on the team to participate. Our first event was last month in support of The Sandwich Project Atlanta. My family has participated in making and delivering sandwiches throughout the pandemic, but we thought it would be a wonderful and easy opportunity for the boys. And we were right!!

THE SANDWICH PROJECT is an Atlanta-based grassroots-effort-turned non-profit organization that supports the efforts of more than a dozen local organizations combatting homelessness and food insecurity. Every Wednesday, THE SANDWICH PROJECT collects deli meat WITH cheese on white bread sandwiches. We also welcome high calorie, chewy granola/protein/energy bars, oranges, apples, unripe (green) bananas and snack-size boxes of raisins. In the last 18 months (April 2020 – Oct. 2021), TSP has collected more than 249,000 sandwiches thanks to the generosity of the thousands of volunteers who participate, some every week, others once in a while. Every sandwich fills a need and makes a difference! Join the effort by contributing any Wednesday you can.

The boys gathered supplies and met in my backyard on a beautiful Wednesday afternoon for service, fellowship and fun. Their efforts resulted in 170 sandwiches, plus bags of additional requested items! It was a WONDERFUL afternoon off of the field, working together something besides goals. :-)

If you’re in the Atlanta area, The Sandwich Project has more than 20 contactless, conveniently located collection points throughout the city and suburbs. You can join their Faceook group to learn more.

We plan to make sandwiches again soon!

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7 thoughts on “Atlanta {The Sandwich Project}

  1. Such a wonderful service project. I thank you for sharing some of your acts of service with us and I don’t look upon it as bragging. To me, it in even more inspiration and gives me other ideas of opportunities to look for myself. Thank you for sharing and God will continue to bless you and your boys!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I would also like to instill a servant’s heart in my kids and I feel like this is difficult to do with how privileged we are and how busy we stay with activities, etc. I appreciate you telling us about this ministry and look forward to hearing about your upcoming projects. I wonder if our soccer club team could do this; too! It would be a way to bring us closer together as a team.

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