One of John’s besties celebrated his sweet sixteen last month. His mom is a dear friend and is deep in her fight against cancer. Along with two moms that I typically organize volunteer projects with, we rallied to organize a surprise sweet sixteen birthday Fiesta!! This was such a pleasure to plan and a joy to host. We’ve known this family since the boys were quite little and being able to celebrate such a big milestone, while at the same time easing some of the family’s burden, was wonderful.

His parents catered in tacos from the birthday boy’s favorite local restaurant. The teens loved it, of course!

This was the jumping off point for the fiesta theme. The apps were easy to pull together.

One of the other hosts made her famous sugar cookies and another mom sent cookies from a local spot the teens all love.

We had drinks on the porch. I’m a little in love with my new cactus inflatable beverage tub.
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One thing I love about these kids is that they love each other. They also don’t mind hanging out with the parents toooo much. They are usually up for anything and have the best attitudes about trying new things. We stuffed a classic pinata with gummies, which they promptly smashed to smitherines. But the highlight was teaching them to play pin the tail on the donkey. TOO MANY LAUGHS! Oh, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how much love and attention this little baby received! She was the star of the show and a few of the boys asked me if they could “borrow” her when they saw the girls fawning all over her. Ha!

While there were many fun, happy moments, the one that had me teary was this one. A whole kitchen full of teenagers. John lighting candles on his bestie’s cake. A number of them with cameras ready to video the moment. All of them singing. And, the cheers and hugs at the end.

It was another very sweet sixteen.

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