Another Surprise Party… But for ME!

Back during my birthday week I received the surprise of a lifetime – a surprise birthday party FOR ME! It was the most thoughtful, amazing, incredible, wonderful, all-of-the-adjectives afternoon and I was completely floored.

My bestie and I take each other to our favorite restaurant for our favorite meal – that we share – each year during our birthday weeks. This year was no exception. Except, when we were being taken to our table I exclaimed “ohhhh, we get the special room!”. I didn’t have an inkling what was in store.

All around the room were the most incredible women. The kind I feel fortunate enough to know every day. The kind that cheer for your success, and cry for your pain, and love your children as if they were their own.

The room was absolutely stunning and I can’t actually conjure the words to describe how it felt knowing it was all for me. I’m sure you’ve all gathered by now that I love to love people by feeding them, spending time with them, and entertaining them. Not much in life brings me more joy that opening my home to friends and family and planning a memorable coffee date, poolside lunch, giant party or intimate dinner. To have this done for me was one of the most loving acts of kindness I’ve ever received. I will never forget it.

The theme was Draper’s Cafe and my bestie spearheaded the whole soiree. I just couldn’t even take it all in that day. I’ve looked at this pictures over and over again marveling at all of the little details, dreamed up by my bestie.

Another guest made her “famous” pimento cheese for the party favors. Every single detail was perfection. If I had ever sat down to dream up my perfect party, this would have been it.

Yet another friend blessed our food and, once again, I was overcome with gratitude. I ordered “our” favorite meal, but I got my own today :-)

After lunch, I had a MOUND of gifts to open. Everyone was so thoughtful and generous.

As it turns out, back when we had our Christmas party I was all excited about having just thrown John’s surprise sweet sixteen. The ladies had asked me about all the details – who came, how John reacted, where I got a snow machine, how I pulled it off, etc – and in telling the story I apparently stated that I had always wanted a surprise birthday. (I talk a lot and don’t always remember things I say, lol.) A few of them locked eyes in that moment and their planning began. I am typing through tears AGAIN knowing that these people love me enough to have taken an off-hand comment and turned it into this. My bestie spearheaded the event, many of them took the afternoon off work to attend, others had to arrange childcare – and they did it all FOR ME. <3

She has a full plate right now and, knowing that, I am even more appreciative that she pulled this off to honor me.

I hope as the days, weeks and years pass that I can make each and every lady that sat around my birthday table feel as special, loved and lucky as I did in that moment. My cup overfloweth.

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4 thoughts on “Another Surprise Party… But for ME!

  1. Bravo, ladies! 💥💥💥 What a gorgeous group, pretty table and delicious favor! 😀 You are so deserving, Amanda. ❤️ What a beautiful tribute to a lovely gal! Have a blessed year ahead. What fun!!! 🌸 ☘️🌷☘️🌸

  2. Amanda- you deserve to be celebrated! You so kindly do things for others. You share all of your great ideas on the internet. I’m so glad you have such nice friends who appreciate you. Know that I appreciate all of your lovely posts and ideas!

  3. OMG! I am so happy for you. What thoughful friends. All this years you’ve “modeled” the kindness and it came back.

  4. What a caring and loving group of friends you are blessed with to honor you with such a beautiful party! I loved the Dorothy Draper theme and if you have never visited the Greenbrier resort in WVA, you will fall in love with all the Dorothy Draper decor and touches.

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