A Farewell to a Dear Friend

My dear friend and next door neighbor is moving to the Big Apple. The moving van is sitting in her driveway at this very moment and it is almost hard to believe. Over the last eight years we’ve shared laughs, tears, graduations, deaths, successes, failures, birthdays, cocktails, dinners, books, movies, flour, flowers from our yards and even a pandemic. Her daughter was one of our boys favorite babysitter and her son was their idol. I will never forget them celebrating his sixteenth birthday (or his twenty-first for that matter, HA!). She’s always been a mom that I admire and I’ve taken many, many things she mentioned to me to heart over the years.

A few of us gathered to celebrate MM a couple of weeks ago. We ate our favorite foods (Mexican, empanadas, dips and churros all picked up from local places!), sipped on a new cocktail (We never have the same one twice!) and talked (For hours!).

One of my other closest friends and neighbors painted this as a parting gift from us. We collaborated over the design – which was a lot of fun – but she was all of the artistic talent!

Another precious friend told me many, many years ago that God brings most people into your life for a season. I’m going to miss this season and my very fine friend. <3

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4 thoughts on “A Farewell to a Dear Friend

  1. Your post comes as I watch my long-time neighbors pack up the last of their furnishings into a moving van. While we lived on the same cul-de-sac for many years, we didn’t socialize with them as much as you did with your dear neighbor, but they were good neighbors and we enjoyed watching their children grow up over the years. They were quite a bit younger than us, but we will miss them and are happy for their new move to a home on 14 acres of land. You are right, everything is for a season, and I am thankful we had that wonderful season.

  2. May God bless her and her family and comfort you, Amanda. I know how hard that can be. What a beautiful sendoff, especially with the Veuve, all dolled up! 🍾🥂😀 Many hugs to you. ❤️ Jane ~ San Diego

  3. Hi Amanda, this is my first time reading your article. Just wanna share that I had a really nice neighbor who taught me swimming when I were still a kid. She left when I was at the age of 15, I can totally feel you. But you will finally get through it! <3 also good luck to your neighbor!

  4. What an amazing friend you are. They are so lucky. What a beautiful gift. I’m sure having neighbors like you weighed heavily on the decision if they should move.

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