I know it’s early, but it is already back to school season here in Georgia! I’ve packed up the flags and fish and flower door hangers that were remnants of summer and pulled out the school things!

This is also the time of year when I realize we didn’t tend much to the yard for a couple of months and everything needs doing. John got a real job and turned the yard mowing duties over to Whit. I don’t trust either of them to prune the shrubs. Sure wish Marme would come to town and do it. HA!

Neither of mine have ridden the bus for a couple of years now, but I will use this for many Augusts to come. I miss those mornings where the neighborhood kids would all play basketball in my driveway while waiting on the bus. Elsa would run wild. John starting driving himself to school last January and I have a neighbor carpool for Whit.

My ferns are doing better this year. I think Honey needs to drill a few more drainage holes in these pots. I’ve been struggling with them for two years now.

Over at the garage door I have a cute apple. Both the bus and the apple are from Bronwyn Hanahan on etsy. I’ve had most of my Bronwyn Hanahan door hangers for a number of years and all have held up wonderfully.

How is your back to school looking?

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