Anticipated News

I am writing to you this morning with such a joyful heart – after 19 long days, I heard from my surgeon…

I apologize for the delay, I was out of the country. The results from pathology show that the polyp was pre-cancerous and about to turn to cancer but it had not. It also appears that we could get it out completely. I will see you in 6 months to check on the site to make sure nothing is left behind.

I nearly collapsed with the relief that quite literally flooded over me. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced such a sudden release of anxiety. THANK YOU for all of your prayers, love and support since I shared my story. God is so good and I hope that you will rejoice with my today! My cheeks hurt from smiling.

Don’t forget to go get that colon screening. Do it for all the people that love you, if not for yourself.

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34 thoughts on “Anticipated News

  1. Ahhhhh! What a relief!

    Good on you taking care of yourself.

    Thank you for sharing the update & creating health care awareness.

  2. I am so relieved to read this update! You have been on my mind since you shared your news. Well done on getting your screening, dealing with the resulting removal and the waiting. Sending you a big virtual hug.

  3. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!
    Many prayers have been answered! I am rejoicing with you!! Your shared journey has raised great awareness! Thank you! Love and hugs!

  4. Praise God! He aswered your prayers!
    I could so relate to your relief after I experiened the same agonizing wait on a breast biopsy that turned out to be benign. I so admire and respect women that have gone through these tests only to face surgery and chemo/radiation treatments. Truly, we live according to God’s plan for our lives and so depend on Him to help us through this life. He is with us.

  5. Rejoicing with you for sure! Thank you, God! Have a wonderful day. So thrilled and relieved for you. Thank you for sharing with us! XO

  6. Yahoo – Such happy tears for you….you have been on my mind. So glad you shared this amazing news and now go treat yourself to a new lipstick as continue to smile big! xo

  7. Such a beautiful family, Amanda. I love reading about your adventures and seeing your gorgeous home and decor.

    Blessings to you and yours!!

  8. Praises to our Heavenly Father! May He be with all who have different outcomes and cover them in strength and faith. I’m so grateful you are all past this. ❤️ Jane 🌴

  9. What wonderful news! Thank you, Lord for your mercy and grace toward Amanda and her family. We pray for clear margins in the months ahead and pray for total healing. Give her continued peace and comfort as she walks this health journey. Thank you for lifting this heaviness and burden from her.

    I was looking at John’s senior pictures and just asking the Lord to grant you a long life to see your grandchildren.

    I’ve been reading since the boys were little and Have been a faithful reader ever since. I always appreciate your creativity, Inspiration, positivity and intentionality as a mom. You’ve inspired me in so many ways in my mothering.

  10. Praise God! I nearly burst into tears reading this. And thankful that you shared your message so many other lives could be impacted.

  11. PTL! What great news for you and yours. And thank you for letting us join your journey, for it may save others by encouraging them to be screened. It isn’t the most pleasant test prep wise, but it could save your life. Blessings …..

  12. wonderful news! I’ve kept you in my prayers…you really did have a long wait but thankfully it was the very best news

  13. The best news! Thank God! I’m sorry you had to go through the scariness, especially having to wait so many days for your lab results! Thank you for sharing!

  14. You have been in my prayers, so I praise God for your great results. Thank you for sharing your everyday highs and lows, Amanda. You were the third person in a week to encourage me to schedule a colonoscopy after my Cologuard came back positive. So, I said,”OK,Lord, you got my attention!” My doctor appointment is for late November. Hopefully my prep won’t be as agonizing as yours was; and my results will be good,too. Thanks again and may God bless you and your family.

  15. Rejoicing with you Amanda and thankful for answered prayers! I am so grateful you caught this when you did and hope your message and story about colon screening will encourage others to get checked. Colonoscopy prep is not fun, but it beats the alternative!

  16. So happy to read this news! I had my first colonoscopy at 37. I was having some problems that the doctor thought might be solved by looking at my insides. On that front, nothing at all was wrong, but they found two pre-cancerous polyps that day that have made me a candidate for colonoscopies more often than the normal person. Oh joy! Had I not had the other problems (that were nothing!), I wouldn’t have had the colonoscopy for years and years. I’ll have another this summer. It is a WRETCHED process, but one that I’m thankful for. So glad for a healthy report for you!

  17. I am so late in sending this, but I am so happy to ready this, praise God!! Keeping you in my prayers for healing.

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