CeeCee Celebrates 12

The most preciously little “cherry on top” celebrates her twelfth birthday today!! From the day she was born – and for 4,380 since – my world has just been a little brighter and little more joyful. She is a true light!

I know I’ve said this before, but it is worth repeating… I will forever be grateful to my sister for sharing this beautiful child with me. She is quick to include me in all of her special moments, and ensures I never miss a single girly thing. This happens so often that sometimes people think she’s mine. :-) It truly means the world to me and is one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. The gift of time, and the gift of a daughter. Here are some of my favorite memories of 2024….

She is growing into the most beautiful young lady. Smart as a whip, well spoken, hard working, intuitive, tender-hearted, and funny. She loves ballet, skin care, fashion, Disney, cooking, crafting and helping out around the house. Every year that she gets older I love her and treasure her more. I love having someone I can text about an outfit, someone that loans me her lip gloss while we’re out, and someone that will do an entire – and extremely thorough – nighttime routine with me. We are cruising together in March in our very own room and I CANNOT WAIT!

Happy birthday, ange. You are so fully and wholly loved.

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2 thoughts on “CeeCee Celebrates 12

  1. I remember when she was born. So I guess I’ve been following you for at least 12 years. Yes, she is growing up to be an attractive young girl.

  2. Can you encourage the Scarlet and Gold store to carry University of Kentucky gear? Pretty please? It looks like such a cute store! :)

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