LED Lamps & DIY Scalloped Shade Template

When I shared these LED lamps on my Instagram, y’all went wild! I had so many requests for the details.

The lamps are rechargeable and come in sets of two. I have these >> LED LAMP SET

The blue and white shades were a gift from a friend, but are Two’s Company brand. I can’t get the page on their website to open, but you can get an idea of what they sell here. Before L gave me the lamp shade covers, I got crafty and made my own template! I’ve been cutting them out of scrapbook and wrapping paper! Here is the template. It is larger than one sheet of paper so you will likely need to print it a few times and play with the scale.

Right now I have the cutest bow shades for Valentine’s day made out of this wrapping paper.

I have loved using these in my kitchen and for entertaining.

We are having a snow-free snow day right now, but I’ve enjoyed seeing pictures form friends in South Georgia and Florida. Stay warm!

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4 thoughts on “LED Lamps & DIY Scalloped Shade Template

  1. Thanks for the template, Amanda! Do your own shades require more than one sheet of 12” x 12” paper per shade? If so, can you please give details how you deal with the seam? Thanks again! Jane 🌴

  2. Thank you!! Now, if I can just find our beloved, cinnamon jelly heart candy, I’ll be all set! 😀 No luck yet but that’s probably a good thing! 🤭 ❤️❤️❤️ 👀 Jane 🌴

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