Gosh, it’s been a while. Here’s what’s on my mind and in my camera roll this month!
We had an amazing dinner at John’s bestie’s house. While the boys were all gone back to college, we were joined by one older brother who now works in Atlanta, the D’s oldest, his precious wife AND their new grandbaby, and Whit! Can I just say that as sad as I am to have our boys gone, the thrill at having a grandbaby join us was super special. The D’s are Lebanese and always do the most extravagant and delicious feast. I also LOVE how their kitchen island was designed to attach to their kitchen table so everyone can casually gather together.

The ladies have been SO lazy this January. Sleeping all day – only moving from the sofa to a sunbeam. (Shhh…. don’t tell Elsa I shared so many pics of little sister.)

Pairing_down popped up on my Insta feed and I really like her.

I am obsessed with Poppi. John’s other bestie’s mom introduced me to them and I cannot stop. This is my daily afternoon treat and I look forward to it as much as I do coffee in the morning. The fruity flavors are great. I don’t care for the Dr. Pepper knockoff at all.

I loved watching Jimmy Carter’s funeral earlier this month. It had me digging through my archives to find pics of when we attended Easter service at the National Cathedral and did John’s 18 month photos at the Carter Center.

I cannot for the life of me find the account where I saw this hack for making mashed potatoes, but it worked like a charm! I boiled the potatoes with the skin on. Then, cut them in half and smashed them through my wire rack straight into the pot.

I got this fortune and liked it. :-)

Whit ended up dropping his Culinary class at school to take a drafting class. He said there just wasn’t enough cooking (in the whole 6 days he had the class). But don’t fear, he continues to cook for us at home! On this particular evening he roasted the variety of garlics he chose in Kansas and made us garlic toast. YUM!

That happened fast.

I taught Honey and Whit to play Mahj! It was too slow for Whit but Honey really liked it!

The tulips at Trader Joe’s have brightened up this dreary January!

We finally “finished” this horrible puzzle. I wish I could remember who gave me a puzzle with so many missing pieces :-) Sister claims it wasn’t her.

Whit and I have been trying different brands and flavors of kombucha. I have no idea why – don’t even ask. It was all on sale right at the New Year and I thought it could be a nice alcohol-free evening beverage to enjoy in a cute glass. It just kinda caught on… our favorite so far is the Ginger Lime in this Health-Ade brand. We do half that and half sparkling water. Yum! We have to get through the rest of our stock before I get another bottle of that. :-)

Enjoy your weekend!!

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Potato Ricer. Best silky smooth mashed potatoes ever. And no need to peel!
Amanda, look at a potato ricer for great mashed potatoes….although they aren’t mashed. After I learned about those I never looked back. Get a good quality one. Potatoes have a better texture than the poor things that are beat into submission by a hand mixer and seem glue-like.
@lorafied posted the mashed potatoes hack! I also was shocked when I saw my ZTA 30th initiation anniversary message- but mine was 6 years ago! I bet those falafel and grape leaves were amazing!
Pretty sure the account with the mashed potatoes hack on IG is @Lorafied. Love her hacks and her account!
Amanda… I have been reading your blog for a while now and I keep thinking we have so much in common… I went to GA Tech, I’m a boy mom, my husband is from Savannah, AND when I saw your 30 year recognition from ZTA.. that sealed it… a few years back I received my White Violet pin for 50 years since I became a sister of Zeta Love!💕
You are so very creative and talented and I truly enjoy each and every post you share with us. May 2025 bring you and your family many adventures and joyous occasions!