Pop the Bubbly

Pop the bubbly ’cause there’s cause for celebration around these parts… …Honey got a promotion!!!  [If that’s what you call a new job, a better title, more responsibility and not a penny’s raise :-)] Details aside, I sure am proud of him!  He’s never been happier in a job.  Ever.  And that’s worth celebrating EvErYdAy!!!… Read More

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I’ve mentioned it before and I’ll mention it again.  My parents absolutely positively cannot come to Atlanta without carting a trunk load of my long (and quite intentionally) forgotten possessions of yore across the state.  From Cabbage Patch Kids and Barbies to old pointe shoes and well loved doll house furniture, it’s always interesting to… Read More

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Labor Day

Well, Labor Day is here.  That dreaded end-of-summer holiday that not only signals the closing day of the pool, but also the last day for white pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, shoes and purses AND the retirement of linens and seersuckers.  Boo.  Hiss.  But, before I get ahead of myself, I should share what was a… Read More

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Weekend Wrap-up

We had a crazy busy weekend, starting at our regular Friday night pool happy hour, then spending Saturday and Sunday afternoons back at the pool, kicking off the fall baseball season today AND, finally and most importantly, celebrating bestie SW’s thirty-fifth birthday over a gourmet slider bar and enviable wine tasting bar. With our sommelier… Read More

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