China Cabinet Crush

After a three year hunt for the perfect piece to sit between the windows in our bedroom, Honey got me this gorg antique china cabinet for my birthday back in March.  I know… a bedroom seems a strange place for a china cabinet but she’s quite petite, antique, was priced right ($100 on Craigslist) and offered up some much desired display space.  Seven months later and I’ve just now gotten around to fixing her up.  (And by fixing it up I really mean putting stuff in it.)

Honey painted the inside in the new wall color – Benjamin Moore Pale Oak.  I stocked it with a barnacle from Home Goods, a wavy coral from Pottery Barn, a marsh painting by local artist Adam Houston (that I procured for $20 and have had in my closet for twenty-two sad months), stacks of books covered in kraft paper (Dollar Tree) and a few stunning oyster plates in porcelain white from Alison Evans.  (Clearly I need to steam the curtain on the right…)
October 2012 142 copy October 2012 143 copy October 2012 144 copy October 2012 146 copy

And lest you think things are always ship shape around these parts, here’s a view of what the rest of the room looked like on this lovely morning.
October 2012 149 copy
Now, if I could just get the other two walls in the room figured out…

I also want to share that we received word on Friday that Jay’s test results came back normal!!!  Thank you for your prayers…there is much to be thankful for!!!

The Delightful Home: Our Bedroom

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34 thoughts on “China Cabinet Crush

  1. Girl!! I love it!!! But seriously!!!!Buy Honey a bigger tv for Christmas!!!!!' Also. I've been using Crown for my upholstery in decorating my new house!

  2. i have been looking for almost the exact same piece. alas, maybe i will find mine one day soon.

    it is so refreshing to see other peoples homes lived it. my house feels like a zoo half of the time and i dream for a fully clean and picked up home, if such a thing exists.

  3. So happy to hear about your nephew-what wonderful news to be thankful for this week of thanks! The cabinet is beautiful-I need to get on Craigslist more often-was it listed in the Antique section? Also, is that painting a lowcountry setting? If so, where can I find the artist? I need one! I googled him but nothing came up…

    1. Dina – yes it was in the antique section. Adam had an etsy shop – I bought two marsh and beach scenes – search adamispainting on etsy :-). I'm on my iPhone and can't seem to copy in the link. xo

  4. Dear Amanda,
    I just came over from Erin's blog.
    I am so happy about your good news, although I don't know who is Jay, must be your son or your husband.
    I will be following your blog from now on!
    Looking forward to more inspiration!
    Very interesting idea, the china cabinet in the bedroom! I also loved your bed spread!

  5. I am so glad that your nephew's report was positive. What a Thanksgiving your family will have this year!

    Your hutch looks exactly like my husband's grandma's. Wonder whatever happened to it , because I sure love what you have done with yours:-)
    Have a wonderful holiday.

  6. Really like the cabinet. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones! I would love for you to visit me and see the centerpiece at my Thanksgiving table I am visiting you from Savvy Southern Style!

  7. Thank goodness Jay's results are normal! I am sure you all are so relieved! That's one more thing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!

    Your bedroom is gorgeous! Love the cabinet and your styling. Might have to "borrow" your ideas.

    Hope your family has a great Thanksgiving!


  8. Dixie Delights- I've been loooong everywhere for a Chinese pagoda hanging lantern like the one above your bed!!! Would you share where you found it?? You're bedroom is gorgeous!!!!!!

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