In anticipation of the new grass going in any day now (fingers crossed), I spruced up this little corner of the driveway, which previously had about as much vanity as a dust mop. I spray painted the table aqua, planted flowers in the pot and picked up the turquoise lumbar pillows at Target for $10 a piece. I realize it might sound strange to decorate a driveway, but my littles spend hours on end riding their bikes, scooters and various wheeled instruments up and down it day in and day out. Speaking of which, lookie who took off without training wheels a few weeks back!!!
Enjoy your day!! xoxo
That is a lovely spot you have created and a great vantage spot to keep track of your kids. Mine are young teens now but I spent many hours outdoors each day, year round, when they were little.
That is a fantastic idea. Aim forever dragging the chairs if my porch. Now you've got my wheels turning. An umbrella too perhaps?
Lovely…can you share where you purchased the chairs? They look so comfy!
They were from Garden Ridge but I've had for about 6 years :-). They are plastic to look like wicker and are durable and comfy!
That is a great idea and yours looks wonderful!! Jane
Really random – but just saw this thing about kids bowling free – thought you would like it as you talk about bowling!
Fantastic idea. Love the chairs as well. Hubs and I were at Garden Ridge not long ago and I believe they still carry some similar. Loving the aqua color.
Beautiful! Love your chairs. Are they black or brown? I am about to paint my black ones brown but I like whatever yours are (as usual!).
Heehee :-). They are black!
What a fun idea to create a little space like that in your driveway! It looks beautiful and YAY for no training wheels! :-)
Grabbed the same lumbar pillows a few weeks back! Love the pops of aqua mixing with my flowers! Great minds…
Grabbed the same lumbar pillows a few weeks back — love the pops of aqua mixing with my flowers! Great minds…
What a cute idea! I have a couple plastic Adirondack chairs that I bring out to the driveway when the kids are playing. Your set up is much prettier though! Congrats to your baby on his bike riding skills!
As usual, you have the best little touches for making your house feel homey!
I love your blog and your home is amazing. You have such great ideas. I am working on remodeling my outdoor porch and was wondering how you keep all your precious items (covered chairs, wood furniture, and picture, etc.) from being damaged when it rains. Any hints?
The porch has pretty deep eaves so it really only gets wet just around the edges and the only furniture there is meant for outdoors. If I know we are having a big storm I try to push stuff towards the center. Good luck!!!
The chairs and table look so pretty! Really great idea.